Harris/Walz takes another savage blow thanks to a fresh round of dirt that was just unearthed – IOTW Report

Harris/Walz takes another savage blow thanks to a fresh round of dirt that was just unearthed

[…] But if you think Tampon Tim would be any better, think again. Like Kamala, he’s also an ICE hater. In fact, he even attended an Abolish ICE march back in 2018.

9 Comments on Harris/Walz takes another savage blow thanks to a fresh round of dirt that was just unearthed

  1. someone should dig into his financial records too
    6 figure income must of his adult life and the guy owns NOTHING??
    And this is who Democrats think should be second in charge for our economy, finances and country?
    WASHINGTON — Tim Walz’s personal finances are something of an anomaly in presidential politics: He has no investments. No bonds. No stock holdings. No real estate. And he does not currently own a home.
    Tim Walz’s working-class cred: no stocks, no bonds, and he doesn’t own a home

  2. I’m not possibly the first person to think that this entire Harris/Walz “ticket” has been just another item to check off the globalists’ checklist. Send in Biden to be exposed to the entire world in a debate, send in a woman who never won any kind of election, then send in a guy whose political record and history of military scandal is well-known and who is easily trashed. Then offer up a Democrat messiah to the beleaguered Democrat voters and the Democrats’ own down-ticket, and “just like that”….

    After Biden, Harris and Walz, the Democrats will vote for just about anyone the machine offers to them. Might even be the anti-Christ, for all we know.

  3. At this point, we’re just making the rubble bounce, and he’s doing lines in the bunker, probably off the belly of a four year-old. Dems don’t care. He’s just a useless appendage to Biden’s useless appendage. Focus on her.

  4. Are they leaking this shit in an effort to avoid addressing policy and goals? Meanwhile the propaganda arm of the Democrat Socialists are claiming they walk on water and hard core Libs are buying it. All in an effort to legitimize the big cheat. If we are lucky enough to get Trump back in the White House something needs to be done about the communist media. Even FOX is showing polls claiming Harris/Old white fag are gaining on Trump. There’s no fing way.

  5. Heels up Harris and no balls Walz will ‘win’ the ‘election’ if the owners say so. They will ‘lose’ the ‘election’ if the owners say that.

    It is high time we the people took our testicles in hand and throw the owners into the trash heap of our history. If we do not act on this soon, now even, the owners will have us DISARMED and at that point we will have absolutely no way to peacefully move against them. They will not allow any peaceful disobedience if we are not widely equipped with modern firearms. See Venezuela for a very recent lesson if you will.


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