Harrison Ford, Climate Hypocrite – IOTW Report

Harrison Ford, Climate Hypocrite

It’s up to you and me to act now to face the greatest moral crisis of our time.

American Thinker:

(…) Moral crisis? Act now?  Fair enough.  So what’s he doing, on a personal level, to “act now”?  Other than lecturing his moral lessers, absolutely nothing.  His multiple real-estate holdings include a 14,000 sq. ft. megamansion in the heart of one of the most exclusive areas of Los Angeles.  He also owns a magnificent Jackson Hole, Wyoming estate, the plans for which he sketched out in Paris while working on a film with fugitive child rapist, Roman Polanski.  Unfortunately for the planet, his excessive use of fossil-fuel energy isn’t limited to when he’s on the ground — he flies all over the world at the drop of a hat in CO2-spewing private jets. READ MORE

19 Comments on Harrison Ford, Climate Hypocrite

  1. I occasionally visit and do some work for a friend whose office is in the Camarillo Airport complex. We always eat at a cafe which sits on the runway and planes can taxi to. Harrison Ford and a bunch of friends generally fly their helicopters (plural) up from Santa Monica once a week or so, just to fly, have lunch, hang out. Which is just fine by me – except for the whole ‘you shouldn’t create CO2′ business.

  2. I have a theory that all these Phony-Balony
    ‘stars’ dam well know this climate crap is a
    stinking pile BUT BUT BUT they have to toe the
    line and walk the walk or they would be out on the
    street,shamed outa hollywierd or ‘get sick & die’
    like Joan Rivers did….

  3. The sad thing is that nobody calls him on it. He’s on talk shows,attends scifi conventions, special appearances (for money) and a host of other arena’s where he can spout off his climate crap but nobody calls him on it. I suspect if they did he’d talk about all the carbon credits he buys (no doubt with a Han Solo self satisfied smirk) but if it was such emergency then then buying carbon credits doesn’t solve a thing and actually makes things worse. He’s as bad, if not worse in some ways than Mark Hamill. Still, the movies aren’t bad as escapist fare especially the Rogue 1 flick from a few years ago.

  4. We need to deprogram these 70’s Moonies as today’s Climies

    Hey! Harrison? Do you REALLY want to decrease the CO2 levels where all Oxygen-producing plant life disappears (they need CO2 to produce O2), thereby starving all Herbivores; and, thereby starving all predators, including all Oxygen-dependent life on this unusual Planet called, “Earth”?

    Don’t fool with God’s Plan, you dumb, uneducated asshole.


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