‘Harry Potter’ author J.K. Rowling roasted for supporting researcher who defended biological sex recognition – IOTW Report

‘Harry Potter’ author J.K. Rowling roasted for supporting researcher who defended biological sex recognition

In other words, outspoken SJW gets trashed by her peers because she strayed from groupthink.


Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling is catching backlash from the LGBTQ community after tweeting a defense of a researcher who lost her job for tweeting that men cannot change their biological sex.

Rowling spoke out in defense of Maya Forstater, who was fired from her job at a thinktank after tweeting a rebuke of “smart people” who she claims to admire championing the concept of a person identifying with a gender that’s different from the one they were assigned at birth.

“Dress however you please. Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security,” Rowling tweeted Thursday. “But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?  #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill.”

Representatives for Rowling had no comment when reached by Fox News.

According to The Guardian, Forstater lost her job and was accused of using “offensive and exclusionary” language in a tweet opposing a proposal to change the U.K.’s Gender Recognition Act.

Maya Forstater@MForstater
Replying to @jdgeipel

What I am so surprised at is that smart people who I admire, who are absolutely pro-science in other areas, and champion human rights & womens rights are tying themselves in knots to avoid saying the truth that men cannot change into women (because that might hurt mens feelings) 12:22 PM – Sep 30, 2018

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19 Comments on ‘Harry Potter’ author J.K. Rowling roasted for supporting researcher who defended biological sex recognition

  1. I don’t think GOD makes any mistakes.
    You iz what you iz.To “attempt” to change
    one’s sex is like telling GOD that he made
    a big mistake and that you know better…
    Woe unto thee.

  2. Like Popeye I yam what I yam and that’s all that I yam. I have no desire to be anything but who what I was born to be as a male. The left can stuff it and all their fictitious stories about men being able to have menstrual periods and give birth. Prove it, show me any guy who has ever done that, it ain’t possible.

  3. There is so much fuck, so much drivel, such inanity, so much pure non-nonsensical wordage in the into to this story. It doesn’t bear reading.

    Go look at that shit again.

  4. The gay community has far more pure power then just about any other group on the net and far out of proportion to their actual (not the one they quote) numbers. For years they were persecuted even when they were very quiet about their bent but now they are the biggest bullies on the net and will happily destroy someone for disagreeing with their absurd party line and multiple letter descriptions. It was noted in the story about people being afraid to oppose them because they were afraid of hurting feelings but I suspect that it may have more to do with a lot of hi-profile people still in the closet being threatened with being outed unless they fully support the manure being spread as fact.

  5. I think some people used to beat up queers after getting accosted by them in the streets or bars. These people would get righteously angry at a queer for assuming they would partake in such acts. However, I believe most people who have been accosted were just taken aback and rather shocked, which was my reaction.

    On the other hand, queers were allowed to openly ply their trade in many cultures, such as in ancient Rome and Greece, Berlin in the 1920’s and currently in NY, Hollywood, San Francisco, and many other queer enclaves.

    This whole scheme of being an oppressed minority is a load of BS.

  6. OH NOES! Proud, loud, misandrists told each other they had the RIGHT to kick lions in the balls. So they did. And now… you know what, I’m suddenly more interested in “What’s on CNN?”.

  7. @RADIOATIONMAN HAM ~ I agree, God doesn’t make mistakes … but I’ll be the first one to say he’s got one helluva sense of humor

    (& I use the term ‘he’ figuratively)

  8. This is a great example of why you don’t bend over for the left.

    They require that you keep bending over until you break.

    She made money the capitalist way by selling a story and thinks she is a lefty but deep down even she cannot accept the big lie.

    These elites fly jets and sail yachts and deep down they know global warming is horseshit as they build mansions on the beaches that should have been under water by now. They cannot accept that if what they are saying was true then they would practice what they preach.

  9. Mirrors climate research. Dare to say there is no climate change caused by mankind’s activities. Lose your job, be attacked as an evil climate change denier.
    Nutrition researchers face a similar fate. How dare you say breakfast isn’t the most important meal of the day and put people off having their bowl of Frosted Flakes every morning.

  10. there is no way to accommodate these people….they will always demand more rights, more privileges…….

    YOU have no rights, because of white privilege…..the color of your skin proves your sinfulness……YOU ARE A BAD PERSON…..BECAUSE YOUR SKIN IS WHITE…..

    don’t tell us WE ARE RACIST for judging you by the color of your skin……….WE ARE OPPRESSED…..

    ……no,really…..that’s what they are saying….just because they condemn you for your skin color, that does not make them RACISS……..

    just because THEY get preferential treatment in every area of their lives, does not mean they are not being oppressed…….


    fat chance…..when my first-born entered this world, my hispanic obstetrician declared he was the whitest baby she had ever seen……

    i doubt she considered that a racist statement…..but it was a racist statement……

    for some reason, i didn’t sue her……

    ……DAMN…….imagine the paycheck i would have got…….

    ……hah hah hah……gotta reverse the colors to get a paycheck on that one….

    ….”darkest baby i ever seen”……..


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