Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling speaks truth on biological difference between men and women, the Left condemns her – IOTW Report

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling speaks truth on biological difference between men and women, the Left condemns her

Lifezette: Harry Potter author British writer J.K. Rowling is in trouble again with transgender lunatics and the hard left gender lobby, all for saying that “trans” men are still biological men and “trans” women are still biological women. This bit of common sense can’t be tolerated by certain people.

Rowling is an icon to other writers. Yes, for her success. But more so because just before her success, when her first Harry Potter book came out, she was couch surfing and hardly had a penny to her name. She is the inspirational figure that says stick to it, you will will only win with persistence. For some of us male writers, since we’re taking about gender, she is also quite aesthetically pleasing in the physical sense.

Now Rowling is no conservative, far from it. But on issues of gender identification she is spot on. As many sensible second wave feminists understand, how can you have any kind of feminism when the entire concept of gender is fluid? Or, in other words: guys who pretend to be girls, no matter how far they go, are still guys. Same holds true for women pretending to be guys. As the saying goes, if one lives in a stable one is not necessarily a horse. read more

10 Comments on Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling speaks truth on biological difference between men and women, the Left condemns her

  1. I respect that she pulled herself up out of poverty by creating her stories, (which many believe are a modern version of J R R Tolkien) but like most very rich people she has accountants and lawyers that make sure she remains as wealthy as possible.

    This is the one thing that she is not as woke as the mob wants her to be and they are going after her, but she is certainly no ally of conservatives. Anti Gun, Anti Trump, pro migrant, etc.

    And then, “male violence”, J K, Go read the stats on lesbian couple domestic abuse!

    So… Don’t care.

  2. @ Kcir
    JUNE 9, 2020 AT 8:02 AM
    “I respect that she pulled herself up out of poverty by creating her stories, (which many believe are a modern version of J R R Tolkien) …”

    I knew Tolkien, Tolkien was a friend of mine. J.K. Rowling is no JRR Tolkien.

  3. I never read her junk nor went to any movies based on her junk.

    She tries to play both sides by condemning the idea of sex-changing but then says she loves those people who claim they are trans-gendered. I will never “love” people who hack up their own bodies because of a mental sickness that could easily be cured by reading the bible. I could never get over the revulsion I feel. I could have sympathy for them, but that is all.

    She needs to make up her mind.

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