Harry Reid, Death of a ‘Statesman’? Cue the Laughter – IOTW Report

Harry Reid, Death of a ‘Statesman’? Cue the Laughter

Larry Elder.

Former Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid just died.

New Hampshire Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen’s website said: “Harry Reid was a statesman.” Rep. Joe Morelle, D-N.Y., tweeted: “America has lost a true statesman with the passing of Harry Reid.” Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., tweeted: “Saddened to learn of the passing of Harry Reid — a statesman, a gentleman and a Democratic institution.”

“Statesman”? Where to start?

After voting for the Iraq War, Reid turned against it and attacked President George W. Bush as a “loser” and a “liar.” He later apologized for the “loser” part but kept “liar” intact. Never mind that Colin Powell, Bush’s secretary of state, later admitted that the intel was wrong but insisted no one lied about it. The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward concurred — bad intel, nobody lied. Reid’s defamation gave energy to the disgraceful bogus narrative that became a partisan chant: “Bush lied. People died.” In 2004, a Washington Post-ABC News poll found that three out of four Democrats said Bush either lied or exaggerated what his administration knew about Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction. This slur remains an article of faith among Democrats. more

27 Comments on Harry Reid, Death of a ‘Statesman’? Cue the Laughter

  1. I served as an imagery interpreter with the 544th Aerospace Reconnaissance Technical Wing when I served in the Air Force. I can guarantee that the intelligence generated by the photo interpreters was accurate. We never embellished and reported exactly what we saw. Any lying done about weapons of mass destruction was done by political and military leaders to advance their agenda.

  2. Full disclosure, IOTWReport friends, back in the day, Mr. Kakalogical was a newspaperman in Northern Nevada. As an old school journalist, he got to meet the now room temperature Harry Reid.
    Mr. Kakalogical described him as slimy as a wet handshake.

  3. Fat Teddy was no lion – he was a hyena from Massachusetts, surely an extinct species.

    Hyenas find courage in the group. The majestic male lion fights alone and kills hyenas with ease.

  4. Say what you will about the scum like how he enriched himself but he was always a solid when it came to pushing the far left agenda.

    We could use an underhanded mofo(sans the corruption) like him as majority leader instead of the greasy scumbag McConnell.

    Do you think for 1 second that had the Republicans stopped the counting in a half dozen counties when Obama was kicking Romney’s ass and then was mysteriously beaten, that Reid would have accepted that? And told the dem senators “to just move on”??

    Not a fucking chance.

    The problem “our” guys have is they have to try and appear like they give a fuck for our interests while at the same time twisting the GD knife in our backs. Guys like Reid are praised when they lie because their side knows it’s in their best interest.

  5. You expected a politician to speak a fact?
    Can’t very well stand there and say: “Harry was a slimy piece of shit – a criminal – and thoroughly corrupt – like the rest of us.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Harry Reid finally settled the lawsuit against the company that made the exercise band that beat the crap out of his face. No money changed hands, but the company agreed to print the following message on all of its bands: “WARNING! Receiving campaign contributions from Las Vegas casino families and failing to secure the desired variances from the Nevada Gaming Commission can be hazardous to your health.”

  7. Harry Reid the poor boy from Pittsburgh who didn’t have two nickels to rub together retires as senate majority leader worth $100 million. I propose a pay toilet raised in his memory.

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