Harry Reid says NRA is interested only in making money — after accepting its campaign cash – IOTW Report

Harry Reid says NRA is interested only in making money — after accepting its campaign cash

WT: Sen. Harry Reid took nearly $5,000 in campaign cash from the National Rifle Association the last time he ran for election — which made his vicious attack on the gun group Tuesday striking.

After watching his gun control plans founder the night before in competing votes on the Senate floor, the lawmaker from Nevada blamed the group for the loss and said the NRA doesn’t mind suspected terrorists getting their hands on guns, doesn’t care about Americans’ constitutional rights and worries only about its own bottom line.

“Here is a little secret for my Republican colleagues: The NRA doesn’t care about you. It doesn’t care about your constituents. It doesn’t care about the constitutional rights of its followers. The NRA and its leadership care about two things: making money for gun manufacturers and making money for the NRA,”Mr. Reid said as he kicked off the legislative session.

His frustration boiled over after he and fellow Democrats were unable to win passage of a proposal to ban those on secret FBI watch lists from buying guns. Even several Democrats defected to vote against the plan, joining Republicans who said the proposal ensnared too many Americans and denied them their Second Amendment rights without due process.  more

13 Comments on Harry Reid says NRA is interested only in making money — after accepting its campaign cash

  1. Whut every democRat’s unsaid message is:
    “Here is a little secret for you Chicago residents: We don’t give a shit if you Blacks and Latinos kill each other with guns day after day, night after night and haven’t for years!”

  2. Reid settled his case against the company that makes the exercise band that beat the crap out of his face. No money will exchange hands under the settlement. However, all future exercise bands that the company makes will bear the following label: “WARNING! Taking campaign contributions from Las Vegas casino families and failing to secure the requested variances from the Nevada Gaming Commission can be hazardous to your health.”

  3. “the NRA doesn’t mind suspected terrorists getting their hands on guns”

    this wouldn’t matter even if true if the democrats and reid stopped letting terrorist into our country and supporting them with our tax dollars.

  4. somebody please sponsor a bill to make gun ownership by democrats, celebrities and liberals illegal.

    that’s gun control I can get behind.

    you could see them turn themselves inside out to denounce that bill.

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