Harry Reid Severely Injured in Gym Accident. Is It Illegal To Laugh?? – IOTW Report

Harry Reid Severely Injured in Gym Accident. Is It Illegal To Laugh??

Is it illegal to root for a turn for the worse?


Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) was injured Thursday in an exercise-related accident, but is expected to make a full recovery.

Reid’s office said in a statement Friday that the outgoing majority leader was exercising at his home in suburban Las Vegas when a piece of exercise equipment broke, “causing him to fall and break a number of ribs and bones in his face.”


Reid needs to take gym rat lessons from Barry-

69 Comments on Harry Reid Severely Injured in Gym Accident. Is It Illegal To Laugh??

  1. That son-of-a-bitch has more lives than a damn cat.

    I hope he gets an infection. Bad things need to happen to bad people much more often in my opinion.

    Maybe the next bit of news will be about madam Pelosi Galore getting botulism from one of her treatments.

  2. He needs an elastic exercise band from Moose. Those little bands from Obama’s underwear just won’t cut it. Moose replaces hers, what, every three months? They must have some elasticity left. Getting in shape to cover Obama’s butt for 2015.

  3. I would put my money on the stupid bastard having got hammered and tripped down a flight of stairs in a drunken stupor. I don’t believe a word of what is reported any longer.

  4. barry’s video still amazes me. i was ‘sort of’ a gym rat in years past.

    what a f*g! no hetero man that know’s anything about muscle building exersizes like that. he’s ‘toning’ himself and he doesn’t like doing it (hence, the less than 100% range of motion ‘reps”). he clearly doesn’t like this – but i suspect somebody told him to act like this.

    there are many more gym rats out there, speak up!

  5. JD you are on the right track. I am thinking more ‘battered wife syndrome’. After all, Harry means nothing to Obama now. So, whose to say a power conference was called and Obama started to get his Chicago street side going and Harry’s face got in front of Obama trying to show that he is a man or something.

    That or Harry’s wife has had enough. Either way Harry had to come up with something better than “I fell down the stairs”.

    One thing for sure to prove this is a lie- a slim ball politician like Reid would already have filed a law suite against the maker of said machine. Not just where are the witnesses but where is the law suite? Some one bitch slapped him and hard. The only questions is who do I send the cigar to? (assuming it was not a DNC in house power thing)

  6. A rubber band is a piece of “exercise equipment?” Well then, a 150 year-old multi-millionaire skeleton-man should be able to afford a rubber-band ‘spotter’ to keep this thing from happening. Harry’s been in politics about 80 years too long. He needs to retire to a quiet life of stealing suckers from children or something.

  7. Earlier in the night Harry got up from the bar and headed for the bathroom.
    A few minutes later a loud, bloodcurdling scream came
    from the bathroom. A few minutes after that, another loud
    scream reverberated through the bar. The bartender went
    back to the bathroom to investigate why the drunken idiot is screaming.
    “What’s all the screaming about in there?” he yells. “You’re
    scaring my customers!”
    “I’m just sitting here on the toilet, slurs Harry, and
    every time I try to flush, something comes up and squeezes
    the hell out of my balls.·
    The bartender opens the door, looks in, and says: You
    Idiot! Get your stupid drunken ass off my mop bucket before you break it.”

  8. Hmm, from what I hear the piece of equipment that broke was named Antoine and it didn’t so much as break as passed out on Harry as Harry was working out his jaw muscles. While Harry suffered facial contusions the gym equipment had to have Harry’s false teeth removed from a sensitive piece of his equipment and the aforementioned Antoine is resting quietly or as quietly as you can with a boatload of Senate grade crack. Then again maybe I heard wrong 🙂

  9. Sounds like he was bench pressing, couldn’t press out, dropped the bar on his face and rolled it down his chest to get out from underneath…he’s blaming it on “faulty equipment” when really he’s just pathetic at everything he does.

  10. I once got the hiccups that lasted for several hours a few days after I had broken two ribs. It was agony. At the time, I even said I would never wish that on anyone. I’ve reconsidered.

  11. Today was one of those days I was on the road and heard something on the radio that was so funny and so righteous that I burst out laughing while alone and had a shift in attitude for the rest of the day.

    Thank you, God. You answer way more prayers than I deserve. I am forever in your debt.

  12. Sgt. Joe Friday: Bill there’s something fishy here.
    PO Bill Gannon. Fishy sgt.?
    Joe: Yes, I smell foul play.
    Bill: Foul play Sgt. you mean…
    Joe; Yes. I mean foul play. Ain’t the first time we had foul play on New Year’s Eve.
    Bill: You got that right Sgt I rememb…..
    Joe. Bill I want you to go to the Reid residence. We need the facts. Get the make, model, type of equipment. The manufacturer. When it was installed, Was it movable or was it secured. Check it out. Did it have any lose springs, nuts, bolts, cotter pins. Take photos Also, when was it last used and by whom.
    Bill: But Sgt. I ……..
    Joe. Check the Senators bedroom for signs of a struggle. Also the steps from the bedroom to the next floor or landing, how many? Any blood?
    Bill. Got it Sgt. but…
    Joe: How far is the bedroom from the gym. Check the kitchen for empty gin bottles, beer cans, wine bottles. You know the routine Bill
    Bill; Yes Sgt. but will I……..
    Joe. I’ll call my friend Ray in DC to check if Senator Reid had any
    Bill: Good Sgt. But don’t you think I……….
    Joe: Just the facts Bill. Just the facts
    Check back with me at 1500 hours with what you have and we’ll take it from there.
    Remember Just the facts.
    Bill. Sure Sgt. Just the facts.

  13. @Susan – That reminds me of the old joke about Gym privileges being revoked at the prison after the riot because “Jim” got paroled…
    Word is Harry was playing “Rock the Clown” and the clown finally punched back!

  14. Joe: Oh Bill what is it you were trying to say?
    Bill: Well Sgt. Senator Reid is a very powerful man, and a bit of a bully. We may need a warrant.
    Joe: You have a point Bill. But give it a shot anyway. If his goons beat you up. I’ll call my friend Columbo. But one thing is a fact Bill.
    Bill; What’s that Sgt.?
    Joe: The media will never look into this. And that’s a fact.

  15. You people can make fun of our beloved Harry, but just try slinging a 4 liter jug of Jack Daniels over your shoulder and see how easy it is to slip and punch yourself in the face and crack your ribs.

  16. When I saw the headline this morning saying he injured himself while exercising, I figured one of two things happened: he was jumping to conclusions and lost his balance, or he was running his mouth and tripped.

  17. When I saw the pic of the worm on Drudge and read the linked story, I laughed out loud at this:

    “The Senate’s top Democrat, 75, will return to Washington this weekend and is expected to be ready to do battle with Mitch McConnell and the Republican majority when the 114th Congress gets sworn in Tuesday.”

    The sonofabitch’ll die up there on Capitol Hill. They’ll have to cart his pasty white sorry ass out of there on a slab, and even then he’ll still be twitching.

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