Harvard Poll: Majority of Hispanics Approve of Census Citizenship Question – IOTW Report

Harvard Poll: Majority of Hispanics Approve of Census Citizenship Question


A majority of Hispanic voters–55 percent–approve of a citizenship question on the 2020 census, according to a new Harvard University Center for American Political Studies/Harris poll reported by the Washington Times.

A whopping 67 percent of all registered voters believe the census should ask the citizenship question–including 88% of Republicans, 63% of independents and 52% of Democrats.

“Also in agreement: 74% of rural voters, 59% of black voters, 58% of urban voters and 47% of voters who backed Hillary Clinton in 2016. At 44%, liberal voters were the least likely to favor the citizenship question,” writes the Times.

Trump voters support the question by 92% as well as 90% of conservatives. more

11 Comments on Harvard Poll: Majority of Hispanics Approve of Census Citizenship Question

  1. I bought a new gun last week and the paperwork asked, among many other things, if I am an American citizen.

    Every time I acquire a state license that allows me to work in that state, I am asked on the application if I am an American citizen. One state required me to send in additional information so that they can verify my citizenship.

    When I renewed my Florida driver’s license a couple years ago, I had to present multiple forms of identifying documents to the State to prove I am an American citizen and that I am who I say I am. This, after being a resident here for 32 years.

    I get asked all the time. I don’t get to fly under the radar. For some reason, my Identity matters. So what’s the problem with it being on the Census? We all know what the problem is and who the problem is, don’t we?

  2. Most ‘Hispanics’, first second and third generation Americans, have gone to church in their life and are thus conservative in their beliefs. Well, at least the Hispanics I know, worked with and other friends for many years.

    But they tend to have Statists ‘beliefs’ as well, which is more about economics than religion or color. Promised riches by the Dems since the Puerto Ricans began showing up in NYC in the mid 50’s. Call it a Sugar Cane Plantation. The Dominicans in the 80’s 90’s and all the other countries down there nowadays.

    I believe Nixon created the term Hispanic, although I do prefer it more than ‘Latino’ which is now LatinX.

    What the fuck is that anyway? LatinX?

  3. ‘Hispanic’ is a term invented by Richard Nixon … (please, do not use Google for your search)

    … & Latino means people conquered by White people from Spain, who no longer speak their native language … caramba!


    California doesn’t want illegals omitted from the 2020 census because higher populous states will get more Congressional seats through “appropriation” and less populous states will have some removed, but the total remains at 435.

    So California is stuffing the ballot box to steal seats away from other states.

    THAT is why they want open borders, and have illegals counted on the 2020 census. And that is why they want illegals to have driver’s licenses in order to vote in all elections.

    Liberals always rig the system (along with welfare for votes), because they can’t win on simple ideology.


  5. I reckon there is an event horizon for illegals versus legal. Every illegal I have ever met wanted to make mucho American dollars here and move back to their squalid hovels when they had XX dollars. Illegals, being of loose morals natively, will continue their illegal activities.

    The other problem is to say “Majority of Hispanics..” which is a blatant falsehood. It is then stated as a Majority of Hispanic VOTERS.

  6. Being a voter means you at least have a driving license, a valid certificate of birth, an SSN, and at least one valid municipal bill. And those are cross pollinated.

    If I, an American Citizen, must provide all of that, any other supplicant not meeting these rules should be violently censured.

    If my government bends these rules for anyone they should also be violently censured.

  7. The ATF’s form 4473 also asks your ethnicity(Hispanic or not) and also your race. Then it asks if you’re in the country illegally or not. Excuse me while I grasp my pearls. How’s that for a turdworldophobic government all you dickweed liberals out there?

  8. I don’t really GAF what hispanic people want or don’t want.

    The census was ordained in our Constitution to apportion seats in the House.
    That implies “citizen” – “… excluding Indians not taxed, …” (included in the 14th).

    Why are we playing these stupid games with this?

    Seal the Border.
    Deport the Rat-People.
    Charge the Traitors with Treason.
    Execute them (if and when found guilty).

    izlamo delenda est …

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