WFB: A Harvard professor who studies honesty has been accused of fabricating results in multiple papers published in peer-reviewed journals.
The Chronicle of Higher Education reported on June 16 that a 2012 paper co-written by Francesca Gino, a professor at Harvard Business School, relied on fraudulent data.
The paper purported to show that people who signed an honesty pledge at the beginning of a form were less likely to cheat on the form than those who signed at the end. The study was based on three different experiments conducted by five different researchers, which were then compiled into one paper.
One of the paper’s co-authors, Max Bazerman, told the Chronicle that Harvard University provided him with evidence proving that one of the experiments conducted had relied on fabricated data. more
This is so….what is the word? Appropriate coming from Harvard.
Do you mean a ‘Harvard Professor’ is capable of lying, cheating, deceiving and/or fucking with the ‘numb-minded’ students that have been indoctrinated to suck up to such horseshit, actually has a real mental control over the unsuspecting dummies????
‘Harvard Professor’: right away we know (he, she, or it)is a lying sack of sh!t
The EPA uses junk science all the time, instead of science leading policy it is the other way around.