Harvard professor’s research: ‘Defunding the police could cost thousands of black lives’ – IOTW Report

Harvard professor’s research: ‘Defunding the police could cost thousands of black lives’

College Fix:

Journalists show an ‘absolute refusal to grapple with the data’

Amid nationwide Black Lives Matter protests, riots, looting, and calls to defund the police, a Harvard economist has found that proactive policing saves black lives.

“Defunding the police is not a solution and could cost thousands of black lives,” Roland Fryer told The College Fix in an interview about his latest research.

“I think the streets are talking and we should listen. People are frustrated,” he continued in the email. He sympathizes with frustration at “big racial differences” in educational achievement, life expectancy and “almost every part of life.”

The youngest African-American professor to receive tenure in Harvard history, Fryer uses a data-driven approach on fraught social issues.

He made waves four years ago with his research on use-of-force incidents by race. It found that black suspects were less likely to be shot by police than white suspects.

His new research is similarly controversial in the media. In a Manhattan Institute video late last month, Fryer exclaimed that he encountered an “absolute refusal to grapple with the data” from the media and “insistence” that he should not publicize it.

Referring to a reporter whom he showed the research, Fryer told The Wall Street Journal’s Jason Riley: “I thought the person might sit with the numbers for a bit and go, ‘Damn, a thousand lives. That’s a lot.’” MORE

17 Comments on Harvard professor’s research: ‘Defunding the police could cost thousands of black lives’

  1. OK, enough already. Time for ignorant leftist tools, BLM hoodrats, Antifa misfits and CHOP/CHAZ trust fund brats to suffer the consequences for their blind, idiotic support of the left’s agenda.
    Yeah, it will cost them their lives – maybe then, they’ll wake the Hell up!

  2. Can we call it unofficially administered late term abortion?
    Same outcome Democrats have desired for centuries.
    All of their murderous genocide is couched as compassion.

  3. …I think it’s actually part of the Dem plan. You know, the one they STARTED with Margaret Sanger hitting on abortion and Planned Parenthood to have a Black baby holocaust that Black people would VOLUNTEER for, then LBJ coming up with HIS plan where Democrats would use other people’s money to PAY Black women to kick fathers out so they could get max benefits and be REQUIRED to vote Democrat to keep it going, to Democrats like George Wallace and Bull Conner teaching Black people to hate authority, up to Democrat mayors disarming honest Black people to leave them defenseless before the fully-armed gangs, to moderninity where they’ve murdered old Black people in nursing homes under cover of a bullshit “health emergency”.

    So Democrats have killed the Black babies and Black seniors while deliberately weakening and disarming Black families that they spent the last 60 years destroying their educational system for so they know no history but one of false hate. Removing the Police ought to make it so the young adult, healthy ones finish each other off FOR them.

    …man, Democrats sure hate Black people…


  4. “There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
    ― Soren Kierkegaard

    Either way just discussing this idiot idea (of removing the concept of policing society) means we’re screwed….🤞

  5. Hey Professor, wake up to the evil a bit more.
    Democrats love death. They also love Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood that puts most of its abortion clinics in inner cities and 80% of all babies they abort are black.
    They want you dead and don’t care because dead or alive, you will still vote Democrat.


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