Harvard researchers expose the folly of wind power – IOTW Report

Harvard researchers expose the folly of wind power


Those ugly, unreliableheavily subsidized windmills that dot the landscape in increasing numbers not only kill millions of birds, but actually increase global warming, if you buy into the assumptions used by the warmist cult.  We have this on the authority of scientists bearing the imprimatur of prestigious universities.  From Technology Review, published by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

[A] new study by a pair of Harvard researchers finds that a high amount of wind power could mean more climate warming, at least regionally and in the immediate decades ahead.  The paper raises serious questions about just how much the United States or other nations should look to wind power to clean up electricity systems.

The study, published in the journal Joule, found that if wind power supplied all US electricity demands, it would warm the surface of the continental United States by 0.24˚C.  That could significantly exceed the reduction in US warming achieved by decarbonizing the nation’s electricity sector this century, which would be around 0.1˚C. …

The core problem is that wind turbines generate electricity by extracting energy out of the air, slowing down wind and otherwise altering “the exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum between the surface and the atmosphere,” the study explains.  That can produce some level of warming.  read more

13 Comments on Harvard researchers expose the folly of wind power

  1. So …… why not set up gigantuaic fans that can blow the wind to make the wind turbines work? Then, all those stupid “facts” can be got rid of, rite out of the gate!

    See, after the wind slows down by the fiscal activiclivly of motioning the turbines, the giganuaic fans can speed 9it back up, wonce they’re been passed!

  2. I thought they caused global warming by needing subsidies that hide their true carbon footprint by shifting it to another part of the economy. Now there’s another reason?

  3. The moronic idjit know nothings in commiefornia have passed a law that all future energy must be green energy. Every inch of commieland will have a windmill or solar panel on it, prices will soar and there will not be enough energy to power a one transistor radio.

  4. @Joey Biden – Hey, pal, that’s a great idea! We’re on the same wavelength on this thing, and I’ve got a terrific opportunity for you. I came up with a brilliant product line and all I need is a little seed money to get it going. The greenies will be falling all over themselves to buy these things! Can I count on you, buddy? All I need is about $100K to begin producing my line of solar-powered fans and wind-powered sun lamps.

  5. Angle Al –
    that sounds like sumptihn I could infest itn! But aI never use my ownded money – y’no I get some of that sorus money. But I got a line to AlGore and he’s alwayst be lookin for some knew scam …. I mena “investiement”.

    Git the plans drawnd up and sent em at me.

    I think we gotz the nex “pat rox” here!

  6. Biden should be wearing one of those beanie hats with a propeller on top. All the hot air coming out of his mouth could really turn that propeller. Just think of all the electricity he could produce!

  7. Uncle Al October 6, 2018 at 1:18 pm

    Good, but this is better: every cow and bull on earth let out huge farts every day, right? —- free methane gas. We rig up capes on every one of them so the methane doesn’t escape, collect all the gas by inserting tubes into their rears, collect it all into huge containers, then use that gas to power the ginourmous fans that direct the wind towards the windmills so that the windmills become more efficient and produce more electricity. Since humans fart also, we could eventually harness human gas as well. Energy self-sufficiency is right around the corner.

    The government could pass laws that mandate that every person must eat a pound of beans and a pound of cabbage every week.


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