Harvard University Encourages Students to go on Food Stamps – IOTW Report

Harvard University Encourages Students to go on Food Stamps

GP: Harvard University is encouraging their students to sign up for food stamps despite the fact that the school is sitting on an endowment that is worth over $50 billion dollars.

Harvard would prefer that their students get food assistance from American taxpayers than from the massive, tax-free nest egg they’re saving for a rainy day.

Do the people who run Harvard have any shame?

11 Comments on Harvard University Encourages Students to go on Food Stamps

  1. I’d love to hear what my 1977 HS classmates that deserved their admission to attend Harvard, (and MIT, Brown, Princeton, Stanford, RPI, CWRU, CMU, Columbia, UPenn, et al, at that time),
    what they would have to say about their Alma Maters.

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