‘Harvey is What Climate Change Looks Like…’ – IOTW Report

‘Harvey is What Climate Change Looks Like…’

This apocalyptic bed-wetting would be a lot more effective if climate activists didn’t trot out the same tired old line pretty much every time the U.S. was hit by any weather event more troubling than a mild breeze… 

21 Comments on ‘Harvey is What Climate Change Looks Like…’

  1. When a hurricane develops as a high pressure system over the rocky mountains, gains strength as a low pressure system in the plains, then proceeds to wreak havoc from Michigan to Alabama, and when that event occurs at least monthly, then I will admit climate change has a face.

  2. So never before huh, it barely broke the record of 48 inches set in 1978 during tropical cyclone Amelia which hit Medina, Texas. (wasn’t that when the new ice age was coming) and still hasn’t broken the 52 inches from a hurricane in Hawaii set in 1950’s when the world was perfect. Get a grip.

  3. Tell us, O Sage of the Cesspool, which specific human action necessitated this hurricane?
    Show causality.
    Pure, unadulterated PROOF of your assertion.

    Either that or: Shut the Fuck Up, Eat Shit, and Die.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. The only real climate change that will occur on ThIS earth is when God destroys it with fire. And that will happen! Until then here in the garden states the climate continues to change 4 times a year. We call it the 4 seasons, Winter (cold and snowy), Spring (cool and rainy), Summer (warm and hot), Fall (cool and dry). So tell me Mr Gore why does the 4 seasons keep repeating itself?

  5. The flooding was so severe because the storm had stalled because of two blocking high pressures and the jet stream was too far north to push it along…but that’s somehow my fault?

  6. Yesterday, the sun moved westward across the sky just like I ordered it to. It will do the same today because I wish it to be so. Actually, I will probably keep the sun moving from east to west for the next several years.

    Ridiculous? Yes, because of cause and effect = the sun seems to move because of the earth’s rotation and not because I make it move. Hurricanes happen, they land on the east coast of Texas with some regularity, and they are frequently destructive. Man made climate change devotees are not doing their cause any favors by looking at fairly isolated events and claiming that man is responsible.

  7. Farm wife has it right. One of the Christian authors named Mike Brown (Love Canal expose’) predicted both Katrina and now, Harvey. Laid out a pretty good case as to why those two cesspools were prime targets from above. Had nothing to do with global warming. Sorry Al.

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