Harvey Weinstein Advised Bill Clinton on Monica Lewinsky Scandal: Book – IOTW Report

Harvey Weinstein Advised Bill Clinton on Monica Lewinsky Scandal: Book

Breitbart: A new book claims that Harvey Weinstein had a much closer relationship to the Clintons than previously known, with Weinstein allegedly giving then-President Bill Clinton advice on how to navigate the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

Ken Auletta’s Hollywood Ending: Harvey Weinstein and the Culture of Silence recounts the rise and fall of the disgraced movie mogul who is currently serving a 23-year prison sentence after being convicted of rape and sexual assault.

The volume chronicles Weinstein’s working-class beginnings in Queens, New York, and continues through his ascent to the top of Hollywood with movies like Shakespeare in Love and Chicago.

Along the way, the book chats with Bill Clinton and those who worked for the former first couple.

Harvey Weinstein was allegedly so close with Bill Clinton that he spent a weekend at Camp David and even gave the president advice about how to handle the Monica Lewinsky scandal, according to excerpts published in the Daily Mail. Weinstein claimed to be a “shoulder’ for Clinton to lean on in 1997 as they vacationed in Martha’s Vineyard during the scandal.

Weinstein had extensive experience “being in the doghouse” with his own extramarital affairs and gave his advice to Clinton on how to deal with Hillary. more

6 Comments on Harvey Weinstein Advised Bill Clinton on Monica Lewinsky Scandal: Book

  1. “Harvey Weinstein … Bill Clinton”

    What’s that old saw about “birds of a feather?”
    Why would Billy-Jeff need advice? Most likely the two were just yukkin it up.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. So to recap, Slick turns to Harvey Gangbanger for sex scandal advice and Andrew Cuomo turns to Slick for sex scandal advice.

    They are all an incestuous gang of reprobates. They also recycle one another into each other’s political administrations. It’s a big club and you aint in it!


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