Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto? – IOTW Report

Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto?

WaEx/Byron York:

The manifesto written by accused El Paso mass killer Patrick Crusius is the basis for the argument that the shootings were inspired by President Trump. Media commentators, Democratic presidential candidates, and all types of Trump critics have made that case in the days since the murders.

[…] But the question is, was he inspired by President Trump? It is hard to make that case looking at the manifesto in its entirety. more

17 Comments on Has anyone actually read the El Paso manifesto?

  1. 1. Did he really write the manifesto? All we really know is it was posted to his Instagram account then someone copied it to 8chan.
    2. Don’t assume the Dems and their media partners can (or will) read anything.

  2. I read what I’ve seen posted and came to the conclusion it was not written by a “white supremacist”.

    One of the big tells for me was the use of the word “Hispanic” and referencing the “Hispanic community”. It reads like it was written by a politically correct speech writer. Everyone I’ve known who hates Mexicans refers to them by anything but “Hispanics”.

  3. Has the FBI or anyone verified this was his manifesto. It showed up and everyone accepted it is legit. I did see the original and it sounds like a mad unorganized mind with rankings all over the place so of course the media cherry picked what they want to promote. But the guy himself appears to have been very organized. He planned this and pulled it off and turned himself in. In any case his or not why promote this garbage, more motivation for another sick mind to become infamous.

  4. MSM, “Did we read the manifesto ? Nah, why the hell would we do that? We never let the truth get in the way of a good propaganda story anyway – especially stories that are anti-Trump, anti-deplorables.”

  5. It’s important to note that it showed up on 8Chans web site posted anomalously. 8chan owner says he has no idea where it came from. 8chan was shut down shortly after that.

  6. I cannot believe the amount of BS from the MSM that LoFo’s are repeating as fact.

    I’ve been pushing back:
    FACT – the El Paso shooter was a registered Democrat.
    FACT – the El Paso shooter was a leftwing radical Environmentalist.

    At the very least, it gets the LoFo’s to start thinking for themselves and question everything they are being spoon-fed by the Leftist MSM.

  7. I’m sure you all have seen that the shooter told police that the triggering (no pun intended) moment was when all the demorat candidates said that they would provide free health care for illegal immigrants.

  8. Yes. It was much too articulate to have been written by someone with his disabilities (kids who grew up and went to school with him said he could barely write).
    AND: WHAT Ted Nougat SAID ABOVE!

  9. Whoever has planned and staged these shootings has really gotten into a script rut. The most efficient way to get a message out is by inking out political cartoons–short and to the point. “A picture is worth a thousand words,” is really true. Too many people can’t and don’t read due to poor education, and very short attention spans. Brief and sharp make for quick and easy to absorb ideas. Long essays are written only to feed writers’ egos, not to efficiently inform. (((They))) need to change their standardized shooting script. Better yet, completely stop doing these shooting ops altogether.

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