Has anyone ever seen Hillary in a grocery store? – IOTW Report

Has anyone ever seen Hillary in a grocery store?

hillary looking

TheLonelyConservative: Hillary Clinton’s latest campaign promise is to do away with the Second Amendment, or close to it. She even said she’ll do so without any input from Congress. In making her case she made a rather odd point. Something about not being able to go grocery shopping without running into someone sporting an AK-47. Seriously.  more

38 Comments on Has anyone ever seen Hillary in a grocery store?

  1. “…not being able to go grocery shopping without running into someone sporting an AK-47”

    Um, that’d be your Secret Service detail, it’s not an AK-47 and you can just tell him or her to “fuck off” like you usually do.

  2. I’ll be more than happy to give Hillary my guns….Bullets first.

    PS….Good luck with that, btw. Republican Gov’s like Mike Pence, Paul Lapage, Rick Snyder, and pretty much every red state on the map have already said they will arrest any federal agent who even attempts any kind of gun grab.

  3. She says that the NRA doesn’t represent views that the majority of Americans have and therefore they are wrong.

    Okay, so why the hell are we bickering about safe place to pee for the transgender crowd who represent not even a fraction of a fraction of views that the majority of Americans have?

    All her special interest groups and minority groups would be tossed under the same bus using her logic.

    She’s got even the constitution against her logic. And people support this nonsense?

  4. And what, exactly, is wrong with seeing someone with a weapon in a grocery store ?

    Someone needs to have her take an NRA class and then go to the range so she doesn’t sound so damn scared and uneducated about weapons in the right hands !

  5. It’s all those detestable SS people who make her so against weapons. It’s time the SS laid down their arms in the interest of diversity. We need more unarmed security for her, make her feel like other unarmed women in NYC.

  6. “… with an AK-47 over your shoulder walking up and down the aisles of a supermarket …”

    I know I’ve heard that propaganda line before. Don’t recall if it was the bitch dyke or maybe she just stole that line from somebody else. Seems like it might have had something to do with Kroger markets a while back. ?

    Anyway, we need to be keeping a list of people who vote for that criminal, just in case we open the mental institutions sometime down the road, we can go round them up before they hurt somebody.

  7. the best place to live is in an area where the sheriff believes in the constitution and says plainly that they will enforce the constitution first and foremost especially the 2nd amendment.

  8. I would say that the amount of people who want all guns outlawed are about the same % of people who wanted 0bamacare. Namely, at most 25%.

    75% of the nation did not want 0bamacare and I think that about that many want the ability to defend themselves with a gun.

    Hillary is entitled to her opinion but not her own facts.

  9. A person could open carry with a inside the waistband holster, with a tucked in shirt, and walk all the way through a walmart and go up and down every aisle, pay, and walk out with your shopping, and no-one would notice.

    People don’t notice anything nowdays. People are in a daze and half of the time looking at their phones.

    Someone might notice an open carry with one of those large tactical holsters and a full-size gun, but something discreet – no way.

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