Has He Undergone ‘Weenie Chop’ Surgery? – IOTW Report

Has He Undergone ‘Weenie Chop’ Surgery?

MTG Demands to Know If Dr. Levine Has Undergone ‘Weenie Chop’ Surgery.

Todd Starnes: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wants to know if Assistant Health Secretary Admiral Rachel Levine has received the same “gender affirming care” advocated for minors.

The transgender doctor picked by President Biden was pushing for minors to get puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgeries on MSNBC.

“We must do everything we can to prevent Dr. Dick Levine’s pre-teen #WeenieChop,” Greene tweeted Monday, along with a clip of Levine.

She added another tweet.

“Now that I think about,” Greene wrote. “As Dr. Dick Levine advocates for ‘gender affirming care’ for minors, has he undergone the #WeenieChop himself?” more

25 Comments on Has He Undergone ‘Weenie Chop’ Surgery?

  1. Who’da think Bill Maher would be one to quote?

    “If they know at age 8 what they wanted to be, the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses.” He recalled, “I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God no one scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.”

  2. I’m guessing “no”. 99.9%of these freaks are just transvestites. They like to have their cock and eat it, too. And it won’t matter if the mutilations are completely subsidized. They don’t really want to “be” women, except superficially, and they’re depending on the destruction and mutilation of powerless, confused children whom they can claim as their equivalents.

  3. I’m not sure if anyone has made this observation or not but here it goes: if a minor can consent to something as life changing and unalterable as pre-puberty hormone blockers or the surgical removal of body parts then who is to say a minor can’t consent to sex with an adult?

    I believe the end game of this insanity is the normalization of pedos. I’m old enough to remember NAMBLA being barred from LGBT pride parades but it seems it is only a matter of time before the Democrats become hell bent on blasting that taboo. (It has been in the works via Ted Talks & Puff articles in the Libtard press.)

  4. Hateful conduct? Uhm, trannies are the ones literally chopping off their junk, and trying to get others to do the same thing!

    They are trying to make it out to be FASHIONABLE.

    If I asked a person, “hey, didya get a haircut?” would Twatter tell me that’s hateful conduct? No, because I didn’t ask if they chopped off their junk, BUT it’s just as fashionable (according to the junk choppers) as getting a haircut.

    clown whirled.

  5. In FFA we would castrate pigs, toss the parts back in the lot as feed and then wipe down the cut with kerosene. Took only minute and they only squealed for a short time. Same process would work in DC

  6. It’s not so much a chop as an evisceration. The skin is saved to line the new hole, and don’t forget the plastic plug to keep it from growing shut. It sounds like so much fun!

  7. @Pelopidas July 19, 2022 at 1:17 pm

    > I’m not sure if anyone has made this observation or not but here it goes:

    Where do you think the Feminism(TM) ride ends?

    (ProTip: Pædophilia is not the last stop on the line.)

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