Has Hell Frozen Over? – IOTW Report

Has Hell Frozen Over?

CNN Questions Biden’s Mental Faculties. Sort of.
h/t Mr. Pinko.

11 Comments on Has Hell Frozen Over?

  1. AND the clown news network is undoubtedly going full Karen about the availability of wuflu “testing”…… FFS! You are either sick or you ain’t. Get a grip.

  2. No. Hell is starting to get hotter. The only purpose for Biden winning the primary was for Trump to lose the election by hook or by crook. The left hates Biden. Now that he has served his purpose they have a long list of real radicals lined up to replace him.

  3. It’s amazing that so many people are in denial of his mental state. You don’t need 8 years of medical training to recognize a mental problem with Joey, just try to be honest with yourself.


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