Has Our Culture Hit a Dead End? – IOTW Report

Has Our Culture Hit a Dead End?

Music, movies & entertainment all seem to be repeating. Have we hit a cultural brick wall?

37 Comments on Has Our Culture Hit a Dead End?

  1. Yes, it has. No truly new ideas worth sharing.

    It was always mass fodder yet much of it infused with noble themes and sentiments, once upon a time.

    But both the fuel and desire for that nobility is pretty much spent. So it’s been a race for the lowest common denominator slime for decades.

    Now the slime itself is almost exhausted and we’re left with derivatives of that slime.

    The only thing left that’d be comparitively “fresh” is manure. Worse than slime but it’ll come, and will be accepted by all those trained to enjoy whatever is shoveled out.

    That won’t last long, and where could you possibly go from there?

  2. If I had a nickel for everytime I tell my daughter “That’s already been done” when she talks about some “new” movie or TV show…

    she says that’s her generation reclaiming …

    well her generation is mindless rehashing of the unoriginal mindset of the DNC as most new changes are gender or racial diversity.

  3. No.
    A temporary setback.
    “Our” culture?
    Hollyweird and the Media aren’t reflection of “our” culture but a vain (not vain as in useless, but vain as in narcissistic) attempt to impose a “culture” on us.
    “Their” attempt is stagnant because “they” have no originality – no inspirations other than hate, perversion, and nihilism.
    Nihilism, being the antithesis of Life, can, ultimately, offer us nothing but grief and grim, moldy decay – however it’s wrapped and merchandised.

    But the “spirit” that motivates America is alive and well – just subdued under a century of rust and filth.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. I think it’s a sign of the century. I’ve been wondering about this back when the best rapper wuz white, the best golfer wuz black, the tallest guy in the NBA wuz Chinese, the Swiss had the America’s Cup, France wuz accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn’t want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America at the time were named “Bush”, “Dick”, and “Colin.” Pretty much all the music I listen to anymore are classics (not Classical). For a number years now I have been collecting records from the 40s to the 80s and really enjoying the music. I was kinda wondering if I’m just getting old or does the new stuff just suck? (talk about repetitive!)
    Movies? Digitization and Special RX have replaced good plot & dialog. Now every movie is chock full of bad language, nudity and the “good guys” running away from an expanding fire ball!
    I don’t think I’ve changed too much cuz I still won’t listen to Polka, Opera or Rap, but with regard to the new stuff I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who sees it!

  5. What could be a renaissance in entertainment would be to completely rediscover the writings and lives of those so-called “Dead White Guys” in literature and history the Communists have been trying to destroy for the past 100 years. And, of course, the Bible stories. There is never a “collective” memory of such things as each generation comes along and the enduring stories have been perfectly told. The exploration and exploitation of everything having to do with “Critical Theory” has run out of road and now it simply breeds speculation, fearfulness, suspicion and cynicism; long past the milestone of potential enlightenment. The foci of modern entertainment shifted from what the individual can personally benefit or learn from it to first checking to see how many “likes” or “Rotten Tomatoes” it receives in order to meter our own emotional or intellectual investment. An engrossing hobby seems to be the best response to the rubbish called “entertainment” today. We should be just as careful about what we feed our minds as we are about what we feed our bodies. I’d watch 1960’s reruns of “Tales of Wells Fargo” before I’d watch nearly everything on HBO. Our culture, in my opinion, is starving for morality plays that are clear about what is right character and what isn’t.

  6. Seems that Hollywood likes to try and top things already done. They usually make the once good idea into a mess by trying to improve it with few successes. If you want a serial end the movie with “To be continued next week” then we will know just how low the budget was. Lets not forget all the alternate ending movies a few years ago. They themselves didn’t know a good ending from a bad one.

  7. Don’t underestimate their intentions… They’re working on re-programming susceptible members of society. They take a recent film or story, and in retelling, modify some trivial but noticeable bit and PC it up, racial component, or add a LGBTQWTF component, etc… I’m fully expecting a bull-dyke lesbian Naval Aviator in the upcoming Top Gun remake. “Crashed and burned, huh Mav?”

  8. Our culture began its downhill slide when a certain “Marilyn Manson” started to identify has Alice Cooper. There will never before another Alice so go away Marilyn. I just had to take this opportunity to rant.

  9. No renaissance coming. The vital things that we (and even some of them) realize made it better once upon a time have now been forgotten, perverted, or declared evil and forbidden.

    Manure cannot replace gold and cannot be transmuted into gold, but they’ll CALL it gold. THEY ALREADY DO. So things can only get worse.

  10. Maybe it’s time to bring back the gray/silver/dross award for the crappiest programming on TV, in the movies, popular music or pop culture everything. I will never watch the remakes of Hawaii 5 0 or Magnum PI, they’re both crap and the new McGyver isn’t much better.

  11. If I want to watch a movie I plug one in, so whatever they screw up I don’t need to know. The same with music.
    Entertainment today is based on computer models, political correctness and groupthink. If they have anything worth watching they’ll cancel it.

  12. Liberalism has brought us to the age of dumbed down mediocrity. There is no striving for excellence, creativity, and innovation that morality and integrated thinking brings. The money motive also plays into this as the primary goal of “artists” is to chase the dollars. I have been part of the music industry all my life and I’ve long learned to hate it enough to abandon it. The greatest guitar player in the world and a man I truly admire is a humble person few people have even heard of. He was already a phenom at age 14 (in the 1960s). He has devoted his entire life to practicing (roughly 8-12 hours a day). In his eyes he has yet to achieve excellence. Now THAT is an ARTIST.

  13. The re makes of everything are a way of re writing history. Every re make is changed so that the meaning is different, erasing the originals intent. Especially if it was patriotic or had religious undertones. The original will be forgotten and only the re make will be remembered, and remembered for entirely different reasons. It isn’t that there are no new ideas. It’s the corruption and destruction of the old ideas. When that is complete they will start making original garbage and filth.

  14. Redboxed AQUAMAN last night.

    For the first time I can recall, I ended up with a headache. Pretty to look at (what isn’t anymore) but it is derivative from AT LEAST six different sources for tone, style and characterization that I can name off the top of my head, but won’t bore you with. Way over half of the film is stuff we’ve seen before, only with different faces and colors and effects this time around.

    And yet lots of people applauded it as a unique smash. I give up.

    BLACK PANTHER was somewhat unique, and not just because it was ultimately about insular magic black people. But it was nowhere near the Oscar-level movie they tried hyping it as…and I suspect the cynical brains behind that hype really knew it.

    What’s scary is there are lots of stupid people who TRULY BELIEVED it was worthy of an Oscar sweep and figured it was racism that kept it out.

    This entire thread is discussing the rotten fruits of marxism.

  15. Ecclesiastes 1: 7-11 (HCSB)
    7 All the streams flow to the sea, yet the sea is never full. The streams are flowing to the place, and they flow there again.
    8 All things are wearisome; man is unable to speak. The eye is not satisfied by seeing or the ear filled with hearing.
    9 What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.
    10 Can one say about anything, “Look, this is new”? It has already existed in the ages before us.
    11 There is no remembrance of those who came before; and of those who will come after there will also be no remembrance by those who follow ⌊them⌋.

    As long as humanity suffers under the Devil’s delusion that Jesus was not the Son of God and He was raised from the dead after being put to death as a price for our sins nothing will be new again.

  16. Does anyone here go for Coldplay? In all honesty, I can’t make out any tune, let alone a pretty tune in their music, so called.

    Compared to the R&R (yes, some of it had bad messages related to sex & drugs) of the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s,todays popular music ain’t got it.

    A song has to be nice to listen to, even if the message is dramatic or dark. Example: in 1957, Pat Boone had a hit called “Moody River”, as dark a pop song as you could ever hear, but it had a good tune worth listening to. It’s held up as a good song for 60 years. Not a classic perhaps, but good.

  17. As with education and all too many other things, “The Stewards of the Arts” seem to be talentless liberal hacks that come up with utter nonsense like “Piss Christ”.
    THAT’S a big part of it.

  18. Joe6: Because of privacy concerns I won’t give out his name as he is an undisturbed musical “monk” who seeks neither fame, glory, nor money. I will only say he lives in Washington State and his initials are BF (just kidding!) – – his initials are GD.


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