Has The Democrat Party Found Its Next Barack Obama? – IOTW Report

Has The Democrat Party Found Its Next Barack Obama?

DMF: His name is Dr. Abdul el-Sayed, a 32-year-old medical doctor who recently launched his campaign for Governor of Michigan, the election for which is in November 2018. If he wins he would be America’s first Muslim governor.

He speaks articulately, without an accent, inserts humor into his speeches at seemingly just the right moments, and he has the full backing of America’s powerful Muslim Brotherhood-linked network of Islamic organizations. In an interview with Al Jazeera, Sayed said Michigan voters are having “buyer’s remorse,” and that President Trump’s decisions “are at odds with deeply held American values, and distractions from real issues.” Sayed served as the executive director of the Detroit Health Department and Health Officer for the City of Detroit, appointed by Mayor Mike Duggan. At 30 years old, he was at the time of his appointment in 2015 the youngest health director in a major U.S. city.

Dick Manasseri, spokesman for Secure Michigan, a group that educates Michiganders about the threat of Shariah law, predicts that Sayed will at least win the Democratic nomination for governor.    more here

21 Comments on Has The Democrat Party Found Its Next Barack Obama?

  1. How can you have deeply held American values and vote for someone who worships Muhammad? Muhammad was a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a lecher, a cult leader, a madman
    a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter. Anyone who worships that is unfit for any office.

  2. “Sayed said Michigan voters are having “buyer’s remorse””

    Correct, but the buyer’s remorse was based on giving Obama their 16 electoral votes twice.

  3. There’s probably a full 40% of Americans, right now, stupid enough, or brainwashed by the belief this country was founded to be a propositional nation/melting pot/everyone can become an American if you give them a flag & pocket Constitution, coupled with the “white ppl are evil,” then it’s wholly possible they’d love to virtue signal by supporting this dude.
    This is the sad reality, or should I say, unreality, we are living in Current Year 3.
    A number of them identify as “moderate Republicans,” “Libertarians,” and “centrist Democrats.”

  4. OH, F@KIN’ HELL NO!!! Shit! Fritz may be right after all, and I end up with Dearbornistan right around the corner! Hopefully, having Fauxcahontas campaining for him will sink him. I would ask what the hell the Demwits are thinking, but we already know the answer.

  5. Obama was a polished turd and the American people voted for and re-elected him President. Nothing surprises me anymore, especially the collective stupidity and short memory of the American electorate. In short: Yes, I can see this guy being elected in eight years.

  6. “buyer’s remorse,” and that President Trump’s decisions “are at odds with deeply held American values, and distractions from real issues”

    Obviously, listens only to his warlords and liberal MSM.


  7. They can run this turd if they want, but the sale of the finely polished turd obozo will not happen again. I think enough American people see that they got suckered and the dnc ain’t going to be able to go to that well again. and we ain’t going to elect no muzzie. He isn’t going be governor of Michigan either. I think most US citizens are aghast when they learn about and see the muzzie Keith Ellison from Minnesota. Not everyone in the US is as stupid as Minnesotans in Ellison’s district.

  8. While there is an very strong probability the Dems will nominate him, he’s got a snowball’s chance in hell of actually winning the election. If he did become our governor, I’d move to Texas.

  9. If this guy is a practicing muslim then I can guarantee you that he has said or done something in the past that will kill any campaign he would run. As it is Michigan has less then 1% muslims and by the time 2018 rolls around the GOP may have found a good, black candidate for Governor who would likely demolish this guy. Besides, if President Trump declares the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organisation people with close ties to them will be worrying about things other then getting out the muslim vote in Michigan.

  10. scr_north – try and find it. I guessing it’s buried pretty deep with Barry’s college records! Hell – even the lying-denying, dog-eating, Deserter-honoring, Gay-obsessed, no-records, shame gland missing, Bush-blaming, belly-aching, Peace-Prize stealing, fundamentally-transforming, out-of-touch, Manchurian Doorknob sat in Jeremiah Wright´s “God-Damn America”-hating “church” for twenty years and the Media ignores it!!

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