Has the White House dumped Kamala? – IOTW Report

Has the White House dumped Kamala?

American Thinker:
By Monica Showalter

As Joe Biden’s public approval tanks in the polls, his sidekick Kamala Harris is also looking pretty wretched.

She underwent ‘repackaging’ from swamp consultants who specialize in “crisis messaging,” to very miserable results as she posed for videos with kids, coming off phonier than ever.

And more important, she may have been frozen out of all serious decision-making as an obviously giggling lightweight.

There’s this item, reported by Fox News:

Several top members of the Biden administration were in Mexico City on Friday for a meeting with Mexican officials regarding security along the U.S.-Mexico border. But Vice President Kamala Harris wasn’t among them.

Harris, whom President Biden appointed in March to manage the U.S. response to the migrant crisis along the border, went to New Jersey instead.

Attending Friday’s high-level talks in Mexico’s capital were Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.  Ken Salazar, a former U.S. senator from Colorado who now serves as the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, also attended.

“Today’s High-Level Security Dialogue marks an important new phase in the US-Mexico security partnership,” Mayorkas tweeted Friday. “We will work together under a new framework to guide our joint efforts, and work toward our shared goals of security and prosperity for our two nations.”

Those are heavy hitters, and they have a multipronged agenda with Mexico. They’ll be talking about extradition treaties, migrant arrangements, gun-running, and how to fix up Central America so its citizens will want to live there. CNN has a report on the agenda to be discussed in these high-level talks. Harris is Biden’s border czar, and somehow, she’s not important enough to be there. MORE

24 Comments on Has the White House dumped Kamala?

  1. Sounds like the Taliban is ripe for taking over Mexico. Bidens minions must have been negotiating for the transport of military weapons and hardware into warehouses for them.

  2. “she may have been frozen out of all serious decision-making”

    There is not one serious adult there. Therefore, as serious as the consequences of their Communist decisions may be, there is no “serious” decision making there for her to be involved with.

  3. Doug Wakeman
    OCTOBER 11, 2021 AT 8:15 AM
    “And Blinkin, Mayorkas and Garland are heavy hitters?”


    BONG hitters.

    Just like their boss.

    Barry Soeroro.

  4. “There is not one serious adult there.”

    Thank you. “heavy hitters”?…Please. They are all bumbling idiots who couldn’t represent American interests if they wanted to, and would even screw up in selling us out if the Mexicans weren’t there to guide them in that endeavor. They are all so inept that even the cretinous phony Kamala didn’t want to be anywhere near them.

  5. The Jamindian Kalamity is going to be a bigger disaster than Dementia Joe, and she’s the insurance policy that will keep him in office for another couple of years. She’s the Black Banshee awaiting her turn to finish wrecking the Dementiacrat Party and our Constitutional Republic. Thanks for keeping politics out of the Supremely Gutless Court, you craven cowards posing as Justices.

  6. I think the opposite. They know the border crisis will not be resolved or even get better under this administration, because they don’t want it to get better. So they are protecting her from the public’s wrath on this issue so when she becomes the US president her shine will be less tarnished among the brainless…and there are scores of them. It is a win-win for her.

  7. You know, there actually ARE smart and attractive, ACTUAL Black women out there.

    If checking an AA box was the only point, why did they choose a bint who was neither?

  8. This is modus operandi for dems. This is exactly why Obama picked FJB. Obama knew he was a passive simpleton, only interested in the use of politics to pad the wealth of himself and his family. Heels Up has the additional attribute of appearing to be black.

  9. obozo picked biden knowing that no one wanted Joey to assume the preznitcy = a obola life insurance policy. VP biden wasn’t delegated anything meaningful because.

    Kamallala was chosen for the same purpose. The problem is that biden* is such a disaster (obozo knew) and his ‘insurance policy’ is so much more worthless, she will destroy the democraps’ brand for a century. IOW, all those pigs will lose their trough. Can’t allow that!

  10. Dilemmas, dillemas
    OCTOBER 11, 2021 AT 10:58 AM

    ” The problem is that biden* is such a disaster (obozo knew) and his ‘insurance policy’ is so much more worthless, she will destroy the democraps’ brand for a century. IOW, all those pigs will lose their trough. Can’t allow that!”

    Not a problem.

    They’ll do fine.

    I already have the numbers.

  11. @Stoptothink
    Bingo, trying to keep her clean is a tough job but they must have some plans for her.
    Also, it’s the dream team going down there, of communist meeting with a communist.
    What could go wrong?

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