Hate Hoax: Villanova Student Withdraws Trump Voters Attack Claim – IOTW Report

Hate Hoax: Villanova Student Withdraws Trump Voters Attack Claim


A Villanova University student has asked police to drop their investigation into an incident in which she alleged she was attacked by white male President-Elect Donald Trump supporters.

An African-American female student at the university alleged in a hate crime-related story that after Trump’s victory against Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, a group of white men knocked her to the ground as they yelled “Trump,” Philly.com reported.

Last month, the student asked the local police department to shut down the investigation into the incident, yet police did not reveal the reason for her request.


6 Comments on Hate Hoax: Villanova Student Withdraws Trump Voters Attack Claim

  1. and Time is urging the whiny crybabies who don’t like Trump to not pay their taxes….NOW WE KNOW what the FEMA camps can be used for. Round them up and fill them up. When they don’t die off fast enough, help out the process. They call us Nazis…gotta live up to their insanity.

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