Have Millions Been Taking Antidepressants with Harmful Side-Effects for Decades – When There’s No Scientific Evidence They Do What They Claim? – IOTW Report

Have Millions Been Taking Antidepressants with Harmful Side-Effects for Decades – When There’s No Scientific Evidence They Do What They Claim?

Daily Mail:

Like millions of patients who seek help from their GPs for depression, Emma Ward was repeatedly told she was suffering from ‘an imbalance of chemicals in the brain’.

If Emma wanted to get better, her doctors said the 26-year-old should keep taking the antidepressants she had been prescribed since she was 15 — even though the drugs did not seem to improve her mood, and left her feeling perpetually numb emotionally.

Now, shocking new research published yesterday shows that the theory justifying the millions of prescriptions for antidepressants handed out every month to patients such as Emma, is simply not true.

The research confirms what some medical professionals have increasingly come to suspect. That the ‘chemical imbalance’ theory — that depression is due to a lack of the brain chemical serotonin — is nothing more than a myth. more here

22 Comments on Have Millions Been Taking Antidepressants with Harmful Side-Effects for Decades – When There’s No Scientific Evidence They Do What They Claim?

  1. Looking back, it was probably a bad idea to let shrinks start prescribing drugs.

    And it seems like everything Big Pharma pushes, even if it’s for something like psoriasis, comes with the warning that the product “may cause depression or thoughts of suicide”. What’s up with that?

  2. It is the Brave New World and WEF plan – we’ll drug everyone and they’ll be happy. Meanwhile the drugs actually make people brain dead zombies, they lose their empathy and humanity and become a danger to themselves and society. Just look into the eyes of these psychos and you see nothing. But its all good, Big Pharma gets to rack in billions year after year and they can spread that money around to big daddy gov to keep the fraud concealed.

  3. 90% would probably be better treated with a placebo.
    But there’s no money in that, just like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.
    Low dose aspirin, 1/4 the amount for 4 times the money. FFS, cut your own.

  4. Funny, I lost most of my young adulthood to chronic depression, until a good doctor finally realized what was wrong and prescribed and anti depressant. My life changed completely and I have been able to function and prosper ever since. If they don’t work, how come I am not depressed? I’ve only used two kinds, but without them I probably wouldn’t be alive right now. Big pharma sucks, but these meds work, and they haven’t harmed me. Millions of people will suffer because of propaganda bullshit like this. No one who has not suffered, or is not suffering, from chronic depression should have any say in it at all.

  5. A few years ago I had a pretty bad bought of anxiety. I was quite literally freaking out and unable to live my normal life, pacing around the house, couldn’t sit down, couldn’t sleep, heart was racing. Not sure exactly what caused it, but I made some diet changes, got myself to sleep more (more on that), QUIT DRINKING, changed up my exercise routine and after about a year it eventually passed. Maybe triggered by a mid-life crisis, I was 46 at the time, not sure that’s actually a thing though?

    Anyhow, I went to a doctor (urgent care center down the street) and saw a doctor who doesn’t know me, I don’t know her. Described my symptoms and in about fifteen minutes, walked out with a script for Xanax and Prozac to treat anxiety.

    I got the script filled for both, but refused to touch the Prozac. The Xanax really did help me calm the frick down and get some desperately needed sleep. Throughout the year I’d take 1 Xanax per week or so when the symptoms would come over me, out of nowhere the whole thing would start right back up. I could be sitting at the table having dinner with my family having a great time, and then BAM the next second be in full on anxiety mode. Xanax broke the cycle that would otherwise continue for days.

    Well, this is getting long. Just to make a point that I don’t think a lot of people who are on life-long drugs need to be on them. Had I taken the Prozac? Well I might just still be on it, all from a 15 minute doctor visit. I’m much better now, haven’t had any anxiety since that year. Side note, I went back to that doctor and got a blood check, she prescribed me statins (more life-long drugs) that I never filled, my cholesterol is 2 points too high apparently. Haven’t gone back to her.

  6. Now the leftists in Oregon are pushing hard to get psilocybin distribution outlets permitted throughout the state. They are using all the same tactics used by the marijuana advocates a decade ago; it cures (fill in the blank), people at the end of life need relief!, it will be carefully controlled, don’t worry about the cartels, it will end crime and homelessness, we need our medicine! Yeah, how did that work out for you last time?

  7. I keep going back to my stationary thought that you cannot fix mental illness. People self medicate, there’s a pill, alcohol, or weed that gets people through the day. Look around and see what’s going on, who doesn’t have a case of mental illness? Some cope better than others.

  8. a lot of psych meds are fluorine based
    just remember to take them with a full glass of municipal water
    trust the seance

    my usual posting name is apparently blocked, with no notice or reason given
    I can take a hint

  9. I’ve long suspected these meds as being worse overall for society than any benefit, I’m sure some folks do find relief from them, but overall anyone Ive known who was on these became very soft people and not in positive ways. I can also say that mental illness doesn’t run in my family, it kind of hangs around and gets to know everyone.

  10. Hiking, walking, bicycling, weight training, even yoga are PROVEN relief from depression.
    Taking pills for it seems more like a way to avoid such activity.
    If they work.
    Maybe it’s not depression; just lazy.

  11. About 20 years ago, I was waking up with headaches. Went to the doctor, who asked me to open my mouth so he could look at my teeth. What? Yep, he says, you’re grinding your teeth at night. You must have tension in your life. I can give you a prescription for that.

    How about I work on getting rid of the tension in my life instead, I asked. Doctor was stunned, said nobody had ever said that. The person causing the tension in my life was stunned too, when I quit tolerating her shit. Why should I take a pill because someone else is a bitch?

    I think antidepressants are overprescribed to people who don’t want to do the hard of work of changing what’s really wrong. They may be helpful as a temporary measure but it’s a terrible bargain, dulling your emotions so you can stand a bad situation.

  12. Are some of the antidepressants bad? Maybe, but I tend to think sometimes it’s more a matter of the left hand not knowing what the right is doing. By that I mean making sure that you have at least one doctor you can trust that can look at the big picture to see if there are any big side-effects/interactions going on. Not just of one med but all of them together.

    Case in point, my niece (52) has had mild to moderate cerebral palsy her entire life. But she’s had lots of treatment and therapy and she’s been living independently with very little problems for decades now. Up until about three years ago when she started having some physical issues that no one could figure out. We’re talking almost debilitating physical issues she’d never had before and mental/mood swings that astounded my sister. Was it the CP finally catching up to her? Was it some new medical condition suddenly making her life miserable? No one knew.

    So one “specialist” would put her on one thing and another would put her on something else. If finally came to a head when she became downright suicidal. Long story short, he primary doctor basically took her off everything but the most basic stuff and started adding back others only as needed. She still has a long way to go but just a couple of weeks after that restart she was able to stand up straight for the first time in years.

    It’s also becoming more and more clear that a lot of her symptoms are related to full-blown PTSD from a childhood trauma. Now that she’s actually getting that treated, not so much with medication but with some outpatient services that are teaching her how to cope with the panic/anxiety, she’s doing a lot better.

    So yeah, specialists, and that includes psychiatrists, are great but too many cooks can spoil the broth as they say. There has to be someone looking at that big picture.


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