Hawaii Gov. “Already Thinking of Ways for State to Acquire That Land.” – IOTW Report

Hawaii Gov. “Already Thinking of Ways for State to Acquire That Land.”

Envolve: The Hawaiian governor Josh Green revealed plans for the state to potentially purchase properties in the seaside town of Lahaina, which was devastated by the deadliest wildfire in modern U.S. history.

“I’m already thinking of ways for the state to acquire that land so that we can put it into workforce housing, to put it back into families, or make it open spaces in perpetuity as a memorial to the people who were lost,” Green commented amid the ruins. more

18 Comments on Hawaii Gov. “Already Thinking of Ways for State to Acquire That Land.”

  1. I’m convinced that this was planned. My ‘spidey sense’ has been going off since I saw some of the photos from the aftermath. I also heard some first hand witness descriptions and accusations from various places. Here we go:

    1. Very few trees were burned or even look singed.
    2. The water was turned off in the neighborhood as they tried to fight the fires.
    3. School was called off so hundreds of children were home while the parents were at work.
    4. There were no alarms, either by phone, TV, or fire alarms.
    5. One person said all city officials were out of town. ??? not sure about that one
    6. Escape routes were blocked off. ??? not sure about that one, either
    7. So far, only recovered (or so they say) 93 bodies. Where are all the children who were supposed to be home? a. Are there hundreds more dead that they are not telling us, or b. are those children now being trafficked? (God, please, no!)

    Have I gone over to the dark side???

    Oh, relating to #1, was it a directed energy weapon? Haven’t had time to look into that, but have a link that pianamusic gave us:

  2. “Nice piece of property you got there. It would be a shame if something happ…” What, we already did that? Well, here’s a bargain rate you will take for it.

  3. As I said before on another post, I’d be buying/stealing several 55 gal drums of something “toxic”, and one dark moonless night, spilling it all over the burned ground.
    Let THEM find out that the ground is poisoned, and figure the cost of cleaning it up.

    (must be my Russian ancestry, i.e., scorched earth, coming through)

  4. Weather “scientists” claim they can predict the rise in global warming over the next 250 years but could not have given the residents of Lahaina a lousy 15 minutes of advance warning of high winds.

    The entire scenario stinks.


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