Hawai’i Free Press: A group of Hawaii state legislators wants Congress to repeal the right to bear arms — or at least specify that it is not an individual right. The resolution filed Tuesday in the Hawaii Senate, SCR42, is backed by freshman state Sen. Stanley Chang, best known for defeating the chamber’s last Republican in 2016.

Chang’s measure, which has four co-sponsors, would request Washington discuss either scrapping the Second Amendment altogether or clarifying that it only applies to organizations such as state militias.

Chang, a Honolulu attorney who studied law under now-U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, throws rocks at the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2008 Heller ruling that held the Second Amendment protected an individual right to arms.    more


  1. There’s nothing to repeal! This is where the left demonstrates their ignorance of the Bill of Rights, which is simply an acknowledgement of a God given right. Of course, if one considers the fact that many on the left don’t believe in God, but rather the supreme power of man.

    Safety over Freedom is ALAWYS the wrong choice. For everybody.

  2. Stanley Chang epitomizes this famous Wayne LaPierre statement:
    “Why should I, or the NRA, go sit down with a group of people that have spent a lifetime trying to destroy the second amendment…?”
    The 2nd Amendment DOES NOT give me the right to bear arms. It simply documents it.
    Trash it if you want. If you come for my guns, your fate at the bottom of my driveway will be the same regardless of what is written on a piece of paper.

    Molōn labe!
    ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿

  3. I just reached out to 3 lifetime friends on the islands about my concern. They all laughed and told me to forget about it. Asked me to pass on that the current Steve McGarrett is a poofter.

  4. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
    Amendment II. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

    “self-evident, unalienable, shall not be infringed”

    Exactly what is it these retards do not understand?

  5. Bayouwulf….you’re right. Democrats don’t believe in God, they believe in Allah. Which is why we NEVER see gays going to a Muslim baker. And let’s not forget… at the Democrat Convention they BOO’d God.

  6. …the Japanese bascially colonized Hawaii with money in the ’80’s after they couldn’t take it with bombs in the ’40’s, but it seems as though then, as now, they were worried about American citizens with guns…

    “You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass.” – Yamamoto

    …plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose…the Devil never seems to have NEW ideas, he just recycles the OLD ones…that’s why Democrats don’t want you to know history, so you and your heirs do not notice…

  7. FWIW, Mexico just had a mass shooting in a bar that killed 13 people and wounded more.

    Think of how much worse it would have been if they didn’t have a total gun ban for the Mexican people.

  8. Stories like these always remind me of a Thomas Jefferson quote:

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

  9. “They hate the rest of us anyway”

    You are correct, @riverlife_callie. They even have a slur word for us, “Haole”. It means non-native Hawaiian, but carries the sense of “cracker” in English, “gringo” in Spanish, “gweilo” in Cantonese, to name a few. It is not complimentary, to say the least.

    And they inflicted us with “Obama”, even giving him cover with a fake”birth certificate”. For that ALONE, we should let Pele eat them…

  10. Hawaii is least of concern when it comes to guns. Illinois recently changed from radical to extremely radical over the past few months.

    Exit taxes, weed for all, more taxes, banning the electoral college and taking guns is all the legislature is obsessed with!

    Illinois, NY, NJ, CA, CO, etc. will have a lot of weight in deciding 2A issues. Hawaii is just a shitty little group of islands.

  11. Personally, I’d love to see this nonsense actually pass because then the armed populace can begin the necessary house-cleaning while maintaining the moral high-ground while we’re doing it.

    It’s been ‘time’ for a long time, already.

  12. Anonymous March 10, 2019 at 9:43 am
    Think of how much worse it would have been if they didn’t have a total gun ban for the Mexican people.

    They don’t have a total gun ban, you moron. You are talking out of your ass. You know nothing of Mexico’s gun laws if you believe what you wrote.

    If you’re not a libtard, you think like one and put as much effort into telling the truth as Satan does.

    By the logic of what you just wrote, more people would die if they are able to themselves from being killed.


  13. Dadof4,

    Quick, off the top of your head, how many gun stores are there in Mexico, who runs them, and what does a Mexican have to do to even be allowed to enter them.

    (and, yes, I know the answers and have for a long time now)

  14. Now … think about it … who would want a dis-armed, narcotized populace?
    Whose advantage is that?

    The dis-armed, narcotized dummies?

    Hmm … and let’s make them dependent on those who still possess firearms for their bread … and their medical care … and their educations … and their jobs … and their policing …

    Nothing to see here! Move along! It’s all fo’da l’il chillens!

    izlamo delenda est …

  15. They cannot repeal the right to be armed because the government doesnt control that right. They can repeal the restriction on government infringing on the right to be armed. But not the right to be. They’re communist mind set is on display

  16. Yep – “50 was a big mistake; we can’t afford you socialist assholes – we’re cutting back to 49. Everyone doesn’t like it, move there.
    Show us your successful progressive State”

  17. Both @riverlife_callie & @Supernightshade have it right. Let’s just repeal Statehood from that liberal craphole known as Non-Hoole (means native Liberal IDIOT). Having
    spent many a day in Hawaii while in the US Navy for 22 years, all they care about is the “Hoole” and their money. They are extremely RACIST and care for no one but themselves much like obama and his ilk. So long Hawaii, here’s hoping for another eruption of EPIC proportions very soon.


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