Hawaii’s disaster response failure is the result of inept leaders—not climate change – IOTW Report

Hawaii’s disaster response failure is the result of inept leaders—not climate change

Human Events:
Politicians have been quick to blame climate change when it comes to the aftermath of the Maui wildfire disaster that has killed hundreds of men, women, and children and damaged homes and property, but that’s a lazy response to shift blame. The Hawaii disaster response and infrastructure failure is not the result of climate change: There’s plenty of man-made failure to go around. 

Downed electric lines, made worse by hurricane-force winds, caused wildfires that ripped through the small town of Lāhainā to spread quickly, cause widespread property damage, and kill 115 people. Nearly 1,000 people are still missing including an unnamed number of children. 

Politicians on the island and U.S. mainland have been quick to blame climate change for the Maui wildfires. While on CBS’ “Face the Nation” Sunday, Hawaii Gov. Josh Green, a Democrat, said as much, even while acknowledging resources to stop the fires were delayed.  more

13 Comments on Hawaii’s disaster response failure is the result of inept leaders—not climate change

  1. ^^^^^ Remember, Maui’s current Chief of Police was the incident commander in Las Vegas when someones shot the damn place up. Weird. And it was the Maui PoPo directing traffic back into the flames.

  2. will the fake beachmom please go away… or find another identity. I stopped reading the REAL beachmom’s posts thinking it was weird but just go away! Then someone here, thank you whoever you are… mentioned you were the fake. An imposter beachmom. So get another moniker, or better yet, get the fuc* off of our site.

  3. the fires in Hawaii were a long time coming.Build in the interface shit happens.We here in Canada are suffering from bad forestry practices.We let the environmental lobby prevent sustainable logging and tree planting.Build in a forest get burned out,it will happen.

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