Hayward: The Left’s Comfort with Infanticide Is a Warning About ‘Medicare for All’ – IOTW Report

Hayward: The Left’s Comfort with Infanticide Is a Warning About ‘Medicare for All’

Breitbart: It’s been a shocking few weeks for abortion extremism, from New York’s shocking late-term abortion law to Virginia’s mercifully unsuccessful attempt to legalize infanticide. It’s time to start talking about death panels again, because this casual attitude toward the destruction of human life is a grim omen of what “Medicare for All” would be like.

If the Left is so comfortable with abortion that it’s openly defending late-term horrors and the slaughter of children outside the womb, imagine what they’ll do with the elderly and infirm once they control medicine and hardcore rationing inevitably sets in.

The Left quickly realized it allowed its anti-human freak flag to fly a little too high in Virginia. Frantic attempts were made to gaslight American voters into believing Governor Ralph Northam didn’t say what he actually said about killing born-alive infants. The effort subsided as Northam’s defenders realized he was, if anything, understating the barbarism of the legislation in question. There was also the inconvenient matter of his equally infamous comment that infants would be “kept comfortable” while their mothers and doctors decided whether they should live or die.

Even as left-wing media outlets cranked out the predictable tidal wave of “Conservatives pounce!” headlines, the Virginia bill’s sponsors scampered away from their defeated legislation, implausibly claiming they never actually read the bill they pushed so hard and did not fully understand the horrors it would have authorized.

The delegate who proposed the bill, Kathy Tran, took a stab at using the Jedi mind trick to make everyone forget she advocated abortion at 40 weeks with nothing more than a single doctor’s concern about the “mental health” of the recalcitrant mother, but unfortunately for Tran, her words were caught on video with extensive captioning.

It’s possible Northam and some of the other Democrats who pushed for this bill did not truly understand what it meant, although that excuse speaks very poorly of their intellectual curiosity and basic competence as elected officials.

With pro-lifers largely purged from the Democrat Party, its collective mind does not dwell overlong on the minute details of abortion legislation. Anything that makes abortion easier is good and empowering for women, opposed only by religious fanatics who can’t wait to make The Handmaid’s Tale a reality. Deliberate ignorance of ugly details is taken as a sign of passionate commitment – those who are totally down with The Movement don’t ask a lot of questions.

In truth, as the news of the past few weeks illustrates, abortion extremism is the fanatical crusade. It has strong religious overtones, even though most of its stalwarts are professed atheists. Their religion is the Church of the State. Abortion extremism gives them an exhilarating personal taste of the divine powers of life and death wielded by the government.

Abortion extremism represents the ultimate triumph of politics over biology, which is a major concern of the Left these days. Abortion ideology turns a human being into a disposable mass of tissue until politicians say otherwise. It neutralizes one of the most profound differences between women and men. Late-term abortions conducted far beyond the needs of maternal health, or any reasonable standard of individual autonomy, are a brutal exercise in political math: the baby doesn’t get a vote, so the baby doesn’t get to live.

How can anyone expect a good outcome from handing control of medicine over to people who have declared political war on biological reality?

Not only do the Democrats’ “Medicare for All” socialized-medicine pipe dreams have such staggering price tags that even Kamala Harris felt the stabbing pain in her wallet, but they would put profound and deeply personal medical decisions in the hands of authoritarian bureaucrats whose ideology is hostile to the very concept of individuality.

When modern Democrats are quizzed about “rights,” they invariably respond with redistributionist gifts bestowed by the all-powerful State, not the inalienable individual rights envisioned by America’s founders. The right to keep and bear arms is an annoying distraction Democrats want to burn out of the Bill of Rights, but they can’t wait to talk about the “right” to “free” health care.

When it becomes impossible to keep the copious promises of socialized medicine – as it quickly proved impossible to keep the far more modest promises of Obamacare – and the money runs out, rationing will be the inevitable result. The people who view born-alive infants as an inconvenience to be disposed of will see no stronger ethical barrier against disposing of inconvenient sick or elderly people, especially if they have the wrong politics.



10 Comments on Hayward: The Left’s Comfort with Infanticide Is a Warning About ‘Medicare for All’

  1. Ever notice that “Medicare for all” advocates never seem to explain how it would actually work in practice, or what real costs involved and what cost containment methods would be used to contain them?

    Do they know and not want to discuss it, or do they simply not know and work on idealistic wishful thinking about it?

  2. “…what real costs involved and what cost containment methods would be used to contain them?”

    …well, bullets are usually the only thing that’s plentiful in Communist countries as long as you’re working for the Government @Anonymous, and they’re usually pretty generous with them whenever folks complain.

    What BETTER way to contain health care costs than to kill the unhealthy? And the defective, and the weak, and the folks that you just plain don’t agree with or are scapegoating this week…

    …and THAT’S the cost model. Pretty efficient, especially if you have your enrollees dig their own trench to stand in front of before you shoot them…

  3. I have a different take on the recent surge of pro-abortion bills coming through states:

    Not only has RBG not attended a single court session this year, but numerous live appearances by her have been cancelled as well. Her return to the bench looks more unlikely with each passing day. With yet another new SCOTUS pick coming sooner than later, the Left is looking at ways to take down Trump’s next candidate, Amy Coney Barrett. What (almost) worked against Thomas and Kavanaugh (sexual misconduct charges) won’t work against her. She has been known to be a devout catholic. So they are looking for something else to do the job.

    Ironically, I think the Left is trying to use her Christian beliefs as a means to ruin her appointment.

    By getting as many state legislatures as possible to enact the most liberal abortion laws they can get away with, they hope to create the illusion that the nation as a whole is shifting far to the left on abortion, so that by the time Barrett attends her first confirmation hearing, she will be seen as a far right religious extremist who is out of touch with the rest of the nation.

  4. Oh for Christ’s sake, The Left’s Comfort with Infanticide should be enough to raise doubt about their sincerity in general. I have recognized them for what transparent hypocrites they are since at least the 1960’s and I wasn’t born until half way through 1959


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