He Did What Now? – IOTW Report

He Did What Now?

Summit News: During a speech in Wisconsin Tuesday, Joe Biden repeatedly lied and told made up stories after earlier refusing to answer questions from reporters about the situation in Maui.

Biden arrived Wisconsin, after having flew directly over East Palestine, Ohio, which he promised to visit five months ago, but never has.

When he arrived, he grandad jogged to show his virility but refused to engage with reporters. He arrived at a factory and acted like he had no clue where he was. When it was time for Biden to get on stage he was no where to be found:

16 Comments on He Did What Now?

  1. Joe can was heard mumbling where’s the little girls, let me get them some ice cream.
    Priorities, think Joe- oh yeah they would like to push the hairs on my leg down and watch them come back up and cockroaches and the thing.

  2. At least he didn’t trot out the lie about Beau being brought back in a flag draped coffin after dying in Afghanistan. I think he saves that one for military families.

    He is such an unmitigated piece of shit.

  3. KKKJoe Biden was too busy managing them illegal women and children for his seks trafficking cartels. Add that he didn’t visit Maui because the Hawaiians are regarded as ‘brown’ people and since he’s a known longtime covert undercover racist he wasn’t going near them. As for East Palestine, Biden simply didn’t care.

  4. That media refusing to call him out on his untruths speaks volumes. There is an “us and them” in this country and I doubt we’ll ever be able to live together again. That people ignore his obvious lies is incredible. The left is almost humorous denying the truth while promoting lies with that odd look on their faces. I struggle wondering if they truly believe what they say – men can be women, the Covid vax works, green energy works, criminals are victims, socialism works and Biden has been a success. The world has truly gone insane.

  5. I’m still amazed there are so many stupid people that vote democrat, I understand the “America must be destroyed” people voting dem, but the stupid people are the ones suffering the most from how they vote and how they, incorrectly, think the world runs, and then they keep voting for their own demise.


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