He Eats Chaos For Lunch – IOTW Report

He Eats Chaos For Lunch

12 Comments on He Eats Chaos For Lunch

  1. He looks pretty self satisfied in that picture. Let’s hope he is in a similar frame of mind in three weeks. If he has triggers to pull it’s just about time to start firing.

  2. No one in American history has ever said to the powers that be “FUCK YOU!” quite like President Trump. No other US President has ever dared to spit into the faces of political power and financial fiat quite like President Trump.

    I don’t care much for the man, but that thought is vastly overcome by the tenacious resistance displayed by President Trump to over 220 years of pompous graft and bullshit sprayed upon the American people, indigenous and imported, by the Federal crime syndicate.

    Enough. The fire is primed.

  3. Trump’s main focus is getting ready to change from staying in office to staying out of jail, the Left is going to be coming after him with a vengeance after he is out on every level from city to Federal.

    His family too.

  4. If I’m found to be all wet, I’ll freely admit it, but so far it’s looking pretty darn interesting to me, and I’m still not worried. To the Author of the world, the final chapters of this amazing cliff hanger could contain anything at all. No one could write a book like this. So far He has exposed every single person and groups of people for their part in the demise of America, and he’s made them expose themselves! I can’t put the book down.

  5. Different Tim…why?
    Do you not understand what 2A is for?
    President Trump is our last hope to affect change peacefully.
    You can sit and lament the loss of our Constitutional Republic, but many won’t.

  6. Dan,

    So tell us what you’ve done, or intend to do.

    Just to show you have actual detailed plans in progress and show you aren’t just talking about what you hope others will do.

    I’ve found that many people talk about doing, but few people do what they talk about.

  7. Anonymous; it’s fools that talk about what/where/how they have planned; others create elaborate surprises.
    Anyone coming into my neck of the woods with evil intent is in for a shitstorm – I’ll say no more.

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