He FA and FO – IOTW Report

He FA and FO

Man Who Tries to Steal Trump Flag at New Year’s Mummers Parade in Philly Gets Punched in the Face.

9 Comments on He FA and FO

  1. …good. Getting your ass kicked by a costumed “mummer”?

    Even BETTER.

    …whenever I hear “Mummer”, I think of this…


    …I like Loreena McKennitt, I just wish I could hear high frequencies again so I could understand her words.

    Also, this video makes me, personally sad, to see that I took a wrong turn in life, in that I worked from before sunrise to beyond sunset doing hard, dangerous, skilled things with hard-won experience all these years when THESE guys show me that I COULD have just put a badly made basket on my head and busked around a bit in the daylight hours and had women like Loreena McKennitt to keep me warm when the sun goes down, but that’s just me…

    I like the clown beat down here though. Further proof that it’s the man and not the clothes that matters, good on them and may they be the Insane Clown Posse the city NEEDS, and not the one it DESERVES…;)

  2. SNS,

    I know of what you speak. To current times I’ll hear or understand lyrics for the first time from something over sixty years old.

    Here ya go…

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh
    When in the springtime of the year
    When the trees are crowned with leaves
    When the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
    Are dressed in ribbons fair
    When owls call the breathless moon
    In the blue veil of the night
    The shadows of the trees appear
    Amidst the lantern light
    We’ve been rambling all the night
    And some time of this day
    Now returning back again
    We bring a garland gay
    Who will go down to the shady groves
    And summon the shadows there
    And tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms
    In the springtime of the year
    The songs of birds seem to fill the wood
    That when the fiddler plays
    All their voices can be heard
    Long past their woodland days
    We’ve been rambling all the night
    And some time of this day
    And now returning back again
    We bring a garland gay
    And so they linked their hands and danced
    ‘Round in circles and in rows
    And so the journey of the night descends
    When all the shades are gone
    A garland gay we bring you here
    And at your door we stand
    It is a sprout well budded out
    The work of our Lord’s hand
    We’ve been rambling all the night
    And some time of this day
    And now returning back again
    We bring a garland gay
    We’ve been rambling all the night
    And some time of this day
    And now returning back again
    We bring a garland gay

  3. Very nice, Anymouse!

    I like the one where a princess drowns her sister over a man, and the guy who finds her waterlogged body does what you’re supposed to do in those circumstances and makes a harp out of her breastbone and fingerboard (I HOPE just the bones) so her repurposed corpse can rat her killer out in song…


    “A farmer there lived in the north country
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    And he had daughters one, two, three
    The swans swim so bonny o
    These daughters they walked by the river’s brim
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    The eldest pushed the youngest in
    The swans swim so bonny o

    Oh sister, oh sister, pray lend me your hand
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    And I will give you house and land
    The swans swim so bonny o
    I’ll give you neither hand nor glove
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    Unless you give me your own true love
    The swans swim so bonny o

    Sometimes she sank, sometimes she swam
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    Until she came to a miller’s dam
    The swans swim so bonny o
    The miller’s daughter, dressed in red
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    She went for some water to make her bread
    The swans swim so bonny o

    O father, o daddy, here swims a swan
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    It’s very like a gentle woman
    The swans swim so bonny o
    They laid her on the bank to dry
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    There came a harper passing by
    The swans swim so bonny o

    He made harp pins of her fingers fair
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    He made harp strings of her golden hair
    The swans swim so bonny o
    He made a harp of her breast bone
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    And straight it began to play alone
    The swans swim so bonny o

    He brought it to her father’s hall
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    And there was the court assembled all
    The swans swim so bonny o
    He laid the harp upon the stone
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    And straight it began to play alone
    The swans swim so bonny o

    There does sit my father, the King
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    And yonder sits my mother the Queen
    The swans swim so bonny o
    And there does sit my brother Hugh
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    And by him William, sweet and true
    The swans swim so bonny o

    And there does sit my false sister Anne
    A hey ho and me bonny o
    Who drowned me for the sake of a man
    The swans swim so bonny o”
    “The Bonny Swans”,
    Loreena McKennitt

    …Good medieval music is SO metal…I wonder what the King did with the harp, you know, after…

  4. ^^^

    …why doesn’t Autocorrect understand fingerBONES are not fingerBOARDS, that’s a pretty common thing to say, nicht wahr?

    Geeze, programmers, prep your AI for body mutilation descriptions, wont you? Gonna need it more the later in the year it gets, doncha know…

  5. Agatha Kakalogical
    TUESDAY, 2 JANUARY 2024, 14:09 AT 2:09 PM
    “@SNS, @Anymouse
    Nights From The Alhambra is excellent!”

    …I wish I could appreciate it, but us old guys tend to lose the words, if not the music, when women sing im higher registers. I had a doctor call it “Women and children deafness”, inspiring an eye roll from my wife, but unfortunately it’s a real thing.

    But I can still appreciate the music. And God bless her for being able to get a hit in the MTV Era with a hurdy gurdy and all of her clothes on!


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