He Flopped The Nuts But He Wasn’t Playing Poker – IOTW Report

He Flopped The Nuts But He Wasn’t Playing Poker

Marathon runner has no idea his junk is out during race.

Oh, I’m thinkin’ maybe he did…

*Warning: You can see his link at the link*

Story and video @ KFI

29 Comments on He Flopped The Nuts But He Wasn’t Playing Poker

  1. Some people run in honor or remembrance for a loved one who died of cancer or in a war. This guy must have dedicated his run to the memory of Anthony “Carlos Danger” Wiener. And why not? That rouge Wiener played a small, or as it was reported large, part in ensuring Hillary lost.

    May this guy run every year so we call all take a moment out of our busy day to reflect and give thanks to Anthony “Carlos Danger” Wiener and his ever so full of himself’s ego and their combined sacrifice to make the world a better place. (Wiener is in jail and Hillary is NOT in the W/H).

  2. tits a floppin? balls a slappin? flaps untucking? wanker winkin?
    …. duct tape … every athletic event should have a ready supply on hand for all such ‘wardrobe malfunctions’
    … good for first aid too!

  3. Reminds me of the joke first heard in grade school 50 years ago.
    When told his zipper was down a man asked with a smile, “Oh , Did you see my Cadillac ?”
    The reply, “No. I only saw a VW with two flat tires.”

    He needs to recall George Castanza’s advice about shrinkage.
    Only run on cold wet days when shrinkage shrinks and the boys pull up tight for warmth.

    Did she say Eggplant & hueavos ? Eggplant is a new one.

  4. Could have been worse. Anyone recall the ultra marathon dude from a few years back who crapped all over himself and kept going. I’m not sure he was aware of it – he seemed in a mental fog at the time.

  5. He was in the running zone where all you concentrate on is the rhythm of the breath. Any change like stopping to redistribute the wealth means you might not have what it takes to get it going again.
    As least that’s how it is for me
    But I don’t wear tiny shorts either

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