‘He is just Mitch McConnell’s bitch’ – IOTW Report

‘He is just Mitch McConnell’s bitch’

BPR: Steve Bannon set his sights squarely on establishment Republicans with a message for “McConnell’s b*tch” as the powers that be pick winners and losers for the 2024 primaries.

Friday, the one-time chief strategist for then-President Donald Trump criticized the sausage-making of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), and in particular its current chair, Montana Sen. Steve Daines. Specifically, Bannon took umbrage with the congressman and influential committee chair’s split allegiances, having endorsed the former president while working to load the upper chamber with picks from Senate Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) MORE

4 Comments on ‘He is just Mitch McConnell’s bitch’

  1. Yeah, “The “Good Ol’ Boy’s Club” became “The Old Man’s Club” which became “The Mitch McConnell Club” and it’s chock full of his bitches! 🤣

  2. Interesting how Bitch McConnell recruits Navy Seals who are basically leftists.
    A play for military contractors so the establishment swampers can keep the money rolling in to their bank accounts. I’m sure the new political recruits are promised much better money than their military pensions.

  3. That military leaders are not left wing extremists is a Smith fabricated by leftist GOPe.

    Prominent lefty military man was Marshall. Ike ;, after he became supreme allied commander, bad mouthed this lefty many times between 1944 and 1961. In ’44 Ikes said “how can a man that has never lead men in war be a GA; while I having lead men well in 2 WARS am still General? He is rich; that’s why?!!$%”! He took one last shot at the “Limo Lib” on 1/17/61 “Military Industrial Complex”. Liberal UNIPARTY and their propagandists in Press – today ams- gas lighted America pretending to not understand Ike. But the blunt, forthright expression HSST plainly told the world Ike was attacking his man G. Marshall.

    The Press covered HSt as either a footnote or an afterthought.

    I am happy koto list other far left Admirals and Generals in the last 100 years – if asked.

    The point is GOPe lies. GOPe is UNIPARTY! military has has had more liberal leaders than conservative the last 100 years. Good reason – how Adms and Gens get their flags.

    Unique example from 170 years go. General Custer.went from Lt to man. Gen in 3 years. Partly because he ws a : bravo, brilliant, charisma leader of men! Fought 8 battles he was predicted to lose by his “betters”. Won 7 of them totally! But mostly because he was a good friend of Abe.
    Less tha 0.5 year after Abe was killed he was just a Maj.

    Rank has always been determined to a great degree by politics!

    Normal time from 01 to 08 for super sharp, well connected man is 20 years. Gettin 08 in 30 years is good! in 3. NEVER! Custer did it.
    Liberals like GWB and BHO make other liberals Adm and Gen. I can only name one conservative getting a flag the last 40years. Dem named Flynn. Dems are not all lib; most Reps are not conservative.


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