He Leaned Left – IOTW Report

He Leaned Left

Portland Killer Dies in Gunfight With the Feds | Just Hours After Interview With Vice News – Matt Christiansen Video commentary.

21 Comments on He Leaned Left

  1. Everything I have been hearing from Democrats all the way up to the DNC and Democrat Speaker of the House suggests that he was not considered fringe by Democrats. Same goes for the Ministry of Truth. They both accepted that he is just a regular Democrat, I can go along with that.

  2. If I could pick the one thing about this Civil War with the Left, it’s that they’ve brought a staggering amount of viciousness and plain meaness into our society (culture).

    We’ve been witness to daily (hourly) incidences of brutality of the ugliest kinds. Constant screaming, terrible epithets, lying, stealing, public urination/defecation, public illicit drug use, physically attacking children, the elderly, infirm, and our police and military. They beaten up elderly vets.

    And now murder in real time. “Livestreamed” There’s a touch of irony in that.

    I remember the first time I ever saw someone actually shot to death on camera. I think it was a woman who was with a few others at a cemetary. The news station who was filming it, didn’t play it on their broadcast but once. It was too shocking.

    I know this is what they do, but it doesn’t diminish the fact that it makes us feel more than outrage; it makes us feel like we’re party to something that gentle sensibilities shouldn’t be exposed to. Once seen and heard, you can unsee and unhear it. I don’t care how much of a he man one is. I think one would have to be a bit brutish oneself to not be affected by it.

    I think this is what is meant by “soul destroying.”

  3. Why didn’t local police arrest him? Why wouldn’t a local DA charge him? Why do the Feds have to step in and take out the trash? Why was a pedophile and rapist walking around loose in the first place?

    All of these are rhetorical questions. You can vote your way into Clown World but you can’t vote your way back out. HONK HONK!

  4. @ AbigialAdams SEPTEMBER 5, 2020 AT 11:54 PM

    I have had a consistent message regarding the nature of the sonsabitches. People who haven’t had personal experience were skeptical of what I said about their limitless (in the most literal sense of the word limitless), capacity for the most depraved and despicable of behavior.

    Given recent events much of the skepticism has waned, and in many cases is completely gone, but…. Now that they believe what I have been telling them is true, most think they now have an appreciation for what the bastards are capable of. If you are one who has no first hand experience, trust me, you don’t. Also trust me on this, I pray that you never have the opportunity to learn.

    What I can tell you is: Anyone who thinks they know where the limit to their inhuman behavior lies is is fooling themselves. What ever anyone with a shred of decency can imagine is but a jumping off point for them.

  5. AbigialAdams
    SEPTEMBER 5, 2020 AT 11:54 PM

    “I remember the first time I ever saw someone actually shot to death on camera. I think it was a woman who was with a few others at a cemetary. The news station who was filming it, didn’t play it on their broadcast but once. It was too shocking.

    I think this is what is meant by “soul destroying.””

    …one reason they used to keep that sort of thing off the news is that its ALWAYS out there, 24/7/365, in living color and 3D, and constant exposure DOES take the “shock” away and WILL inure you to it, and that’s not a GOOD thing to normalize violence and death, so it becomes little more than an expected annoyance.

    This is what the soldier, the cop, the firefighter, the doctor get hardened to, out of necessity, but it can make you stop seeing humans and start seeing cases. I was so compartmentalized at one time that I was having a nice, meaty chili and spaghetti dinner at Mom’s house when I was on call, had to leave for a motorcycle accident, helped clean this awful mess that used to be a young man first off the off ramp, then off my boots, then went back to Ma’s and finished my cold spaghetti dinner with the chunks of meat and cheese that weren’t that different looking than the head cheese I had so recently sponged from my footware without batting an eye or clenching an esophagus. To this day I do not react “normally” to death, and it sometimes hurts those I love who don’t understand why I don’t cry and may even joke at the hospital bed or a coffin of someone I knew and loved, and I don’t have the words or the time to explain it to them.

    Humans can get used to ANYTHING.

    Which is BAD, if its getting used to evil.

    It’s one thing for a few who must to be blasé about the evil that men do out of necessity.

    Its quite another if it’s so common that an entire population becomes inured to it. Think Somolua, Cambodia, Angola to name but a few.

    If it becomes commonplace, then we are no longer a civilization, but a collection of savages.

    Keep that revulsion, that shock, that looking away from evil, AA. It’s healthy for you, and healthy for society.

    For when we can all look with equanimity at a murder before our very eyes in the whole of society, then that means it has become far too normal, and our souls are indeed being destroyed.

  6. “If it becomes commonplace, then we are no longer a civilization, but a collection of savages.”

    Exactly. Wherever progressivism achieves critical mass that is the outcome. They are actively hostile to civilization. They live in a parallel universe where good and evil are subjective constructs. Moral relativism is the catechism they follow. There are no universal truths.

    If anyone believes that if Joe Biden were elected President they would suddenly become peaceable and fit to live among they are pissing up a rope. They would become even more hostile to anything that didn’t go their way. They see envy as a virtue and resentment is what motivates them.

    What I truly believe is that they are fully aware of the self hatred that is behind their rage. They envy people who they think have anything they don’t have, what galls them more than anything is when they recognize people who are not consumed by envy and the self hatred that envy manifests in. They resent them more than you can believe.

    I have come to these conclusions after observing them in an effort to comprehend what could possibly compel such pathological destruction. If you listen to them and what they are protesting, if you pay close attention they are just using that as pretext. Nobody who cares a whit about any other person would be capable of the acts against totally innocent people these assholes have caried out.

  7. SNS — Thank you for that. Your words brought tears to my eyes. This is exactly what I meant. I pray that as a nation of individual people we don’t get eaten up inside and grow necessarily indifferent to the humanity around us in order to cope with this onslaught. How do we keep our hearts open in hell?

    It’s one thing to be aware that there is evil and tragedy in the world in all its hideous variety, but it’s quite another to become a spiritual casualty of it. I worry a great deal about our children and young people who have their joy and innocence stolen because we, as a people, who take such pride in our civility and greatness, seem not to be concerned about protecting them from this as we are protecting them from a virus. The Left is scaring our children and many adults to death and filling them with a terrible dread.

  8. Maybe we just need common sense gun control laws banning people like him from owning and carrying guns.

    That would keep this from ever happening again, if they don’t have them they can’t use them to kill others.

  9. @Anonymous — We already have too many gun laws. This man was arrested in June or July for carrying a loaded weapon to a “protest” in Portland. He was arrested under Portland’s gun laws. The DA let him go. I’m assuming he lost his gun to the police in that arrest and its sitting in a box or cubby hole somewhere in Multnomah County.

    He bartered for the gun he used to kill with $100. and pot from his son. No registration process. No record of his having a gun. Criminals don’t heed many laws.

    I wonder if his son will be charged with providing the murder weapon.

  10. Monkey Island USA – in color – live. The mob, dragging us down the same road that ends in the same place over and over as many of us refuse to learn from the past not to go.

  11. AbigailAdams
    SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 AT 5:43 AM
    “I pray that as a nation of individual people we don’t get eaten up inside and grow necessarily indifferent to the humanity around us in order to cope with this onslaught. How do we keep our hearts open in hell?”

    …even though no one’s reading this now, I still have to say this, for my own sake if no one else’s.

    How do we keep our hearts open in hell is indeed a question when its hell on earth. What I was saying about becoming numb to tragedy was how do we keep our hearts open to each other NOW?

    What I was saying about the soldier, the doctor, the police, the firefighter, the nurse, even the social worker or the HR director hardening to the never-ending stream of human problems they face, you have to lose some humanity to keep your sanity. Its a trade off to keep from getting mired in the very real and terrible problems of other people, because you can’t.

    And if you do it long enough, the loss is permanent.

    I am less human than I was because of it. It means I can’t comfort others in loss, not even my own wife. It means I don’t have the empathy I should for the pain of others, physical or emotional. It means my wife had to teach my son to care about some things because I couldn’t. Just today I was told of a young man I know, the son of my wife’s cousin, who wrecked a car on drugs, arrested and revived, and her cousin and she are hurting because of it, and I have nothing to comfort them with but the thorns of the reality I know, no hope to give them but Mount Hope because that’s all I’ve seen, and it’s so locked into me that even the Spirit couldn’t give me a word of encouragement for them, so the best I could do was stay silent while they comforted each other.

    Because I’m no longer human enough to even lie well about it.

    And I wasn’t in as long as many, nor did I specialize in the more consistently terrible aspects of people as a soldier or a police officer would. You must have a hard shell indeed to be effective in doing them, and so, of necessity, lose more humanity to do so.

    Most do recover, and give up no more than they must, and often work extra on it after hours to compensate. Shop with a Cop is as much to the benefit of the officer as it is the child. Veterans have barbecues and toy drives for children to recapture some of it.

    We do what we must.

    Sometimes, though, some give up too much humanity. Sometimes they get too distant from people. That’s where you get actual police brutality, arsonist firemen,, nurses who become mass murders of patients, doctors who experiment on unknowing children or even devise tortures, civilian massacres, and long trains going to death camps.

    And that’s just what happens when society’s responders give it up.

    If a society itself gives up too much humanity in an attempted exchange for a quiet life, you get Cuba, you get Venezuela, you get the Cambodia of the Khymer Rouge, Mao’s China, Stalin’s mass murders in Russia, genocidal atrocities in Rwanda, Christians burned in their churches in Kenya…no end of bad that can happen.

    And all because they became numb to it. They became used to it. They saw it too much to be shocked any longer.

    Thus, atrocities became no longer atrocious.

    And that’s where they seem to be pushing us. With all day and night coverage in select cities of paid crisis actors burning down select cities and assaulting police and murdering civilians alike, they want us to be used to it, to make us feel helpless and useless that we give our power to government to make it go ‘way, to stick it in our faces until we no longer care what happens to anyone as long as it stops.

    And so another China is born.

    Our humanity is just that, humanity, a gift from God that lifts us above His other animals.

    When we give it up, we are no better than his animals, actually worse because animals could not have known him, and we once DID.

    So keep that fear, that revulsion, that abhorrence for the vile, the shocking, and the evil.

    Only if there are many like you can we have any claim to God’s mercy as a nation.

    One day he will withdraw his Spirit, and leave us to the violent and the ignorant banded together under their Antichrist.

    If he looks down one day and sees a bunch of His creations that have surrendered His gifts willingly, that day would be NOW …

  12. @ JDHasty 11:54
    Well said, I’m keeping that because it is the absolute truth.
    They have filled their own heads with lies building a case for the injustices they do to others until it becomes natural to them. In their minds nobody has a right to fight back with them and they are always outraged if you do so.

  13. @SNS — Thank you again. I would write more and I hope we can have this conversation again, but I am experiencing a personal crisis that comes too close to this subject and I need time to ponder what you’ve written in light of that, because I am fearing greatly for my own ability to care — not about what is happening in our streets. Like you, this is closer to home.

  14. For the defamation case, the only leg of the stool they need to prove is malice. That should be easy enough by perusing the tweets of their writers and editors and the fact checking that including not providing any information verifying the accusations against the murdered man. No interviews to corroborate the story.

    No corrections since it was published.

    Smear and move on to the next smear.


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