He looks bigger on TV – IOTW Report

He looks bigger on TV

I’m not really interested in the story (I linked it anyway) but what caught my eye was the photo of  the First Lady shaking hands with the petite Putin.

HAMBURG, Germany (AP) — First Lady Melania Trump, sidelined for part of Friday’s international summit events by anti-globalization protesters, had a cameo appearance at her husband’s closely watched meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The meeting between Putin and President Donald Trump, scheduled to last 35 minutes, was running so long that at one point U.S. officials dispatched the first lady to try and help wrap things up inside the small Hamburg meeting room, according to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

“We went another hour after she came to see us, so clearly she failed,” Tillerson later told reporters in a light-hearted after-action report.

The meeting stretched to 2 hours and 16 minutes in all.  MORE

14 Comments on He looks bigger on TV

  1. I’d like to sit down with that guy, over a bottle of vodka, and have a conversation.

    His world has been so much different than mine. He probably understands far better than me how my own government actually works.

    He like to shoot, seems good at it, so we’d have that in common. I’ve found that alone is a decent springboard for further interaction.

    Shit, some of my best buds I found in the shooting sports.

  2. If Melania looks so much taller in a pic, I can imagine Putin was deeply impressed by POTUS — who is a pretty substantial bear of a guy. Very different from that loafer-wearing, girl’s bike-riding, dhimmie-loving, purple-lipped, two-pound-lifting…. Golly I’m beginning to sound like our favorite adjective-loving commenter..

  3. Putin looks bigger with his shirt off, riding a Siberian grizzly, too.

    I bet Putin looked big enough in his KGB uniform, leaning over some poor wretch on the interrogation gurney in Room 101, with the scent of electrodes and burnt flesh in the air.

    Dangerous to romanticize your Enemy. But Putin is consistent and logical and therefore makes predictable moves for intelligible motives and goals.
    He’s the type of familiar enemy we’ve trained for all along. The “worthy adversary” as Patton called Rommel.

    “Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.”

  4. Our lovely First Lady imanages to look feminine and elegant even as she towers over men. Mooch, the hulking behemoth, looked like a shaved Sasquatch let loose at public appearances.

  5. My thinking is she wore that particular dress so Pootie would not be staring at her breasts all through dinner.

    That’s just my opinion…cuz she usually wears form-fitting outfits. (also feel they had some serious conversations–she is quite intelligent) !!!

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