‘He Picked The Wrong House To Break Into’: 82 Year Old Female bodybuilder smacks intruder around till cops arrive – IOTW Report

‘He Picked The Wrong House To Break Into’: 82 Year Old Female bodybuilder smacks intruder around till cops arrive

Detroit News:

Rochester, N.Y. – An intruder didn’t count on an 82-year-old woman living alone being an award-winning bodybuilder with nerves of steel.

Willie Murphy was getting ready for bed Thursday at her home in Rochester, New York, when a man pounded on the door and said he needed an ambulance, Murphy told WHAM.

She called police but wouldn’t open the door. Then, she said, the man broke in and skulked through the dark house.

“He picked the wrong house to break into,” Murphy said. more

9 Comments on ‘He Picked The Wrong House To Break Into’: 82 Year Old Female bodybuilder smacks intruder around till cops arrive

  1. Home invader: My, what sharp teeth you have Grandma.

    Grandma: Yeah, the better to stomp a mud hole in your sorry ass with (as she breaks a table on his arse and pours shampoo in his eyes).

    She’s “little red” ridin’ on your worthless hood ya fookin’ scumbag.

    Good for her that she is still able to kick a dirtbag’s ass at 82 years old. He’s lucky she didn’t kill him. He’ll be popular with the prisoners in that he let an 82 year old woman whip his ass.

  2. These crimes are local; you’d think the scumbag would know which house the body builder Lady with an attitude lived in. I’m sure the fact that he got his butt kicked by an 81 yo woman will make him ‘popular’ down at the jail.


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