He Said What?! – IOTW Report

He Said What?!

News Reporter asks question based on a false assumption.

17 Comments on He Said What?!

  1. I actually liked Catherine Herridge when she was at Fox. Now she is at CBS and is obviously carrying the left’s political water. Makes me wonder what she really believes in.

  2. Yeah, a little surprise Herridge went low brow like that.
    I guess it’s lonely in her little corner of CBS.

    Anyway, you’re welcome, guys. Happy to post the Twins. They crack me up bad.

  3. The Hodge Twins are great. Very smart and funny. I love they’re “Don’t make me smack you” attitude when it comes to setting liberal tools straight.
    Officer Brandon Tatum also makes great videos.
    I used to watch “The Amazing Lucas”, but he became a leftist apologist – went completely libtard.
    BTW, the left will never stop asking stupid questions. Especially, if it ticks off President Trump.

  4. Catherine Herridge is 100% professional and she didn’t ask the question that way in order to look stupid. She asked the question that way in order for Trump to say “That’s a stupid question.” And so that he could set the record straight on blacks being killed “at the hands of” police as though they are the only (see: Hodge Twins) people who are killed by the police.

    Herridge knows her job very well. It’s to get hard-to-get information out to people (previously known as “the news”). She fought the same battle at FNC, but it was more insidious than at CBS.

    It’s pretty damn funny, really. She knows it’s a stupid angle, POTUS Trump knows it’s a stupid angle, but CBS and their viewers probably don’t know (until now) that it’s a stupid angle.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Herridge and Trump rehearsed the answer/response.

  5. @TRF — I should have been a lawyer, huh?

    Seriously: if this question was placed there by her producers, I can just imagine her reaction. It’s the kind of presumptive, leading, journalistic malfeasance that would have made Herridge gag. But being the highly intelligent, scrupulous investigative reporter Herridge has built her career and reputation on, I believe she either decided to go with it, or mollified her employer by asking it, knowing just how over-the-top ridiculous it would sound — as well as exposing the truth behind this insidious narrative.

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