He said what? – IOTW Report

He said what?

Biden Goes Off Script, Makes Awkward Comment to Texas Reps: ‘Two Look Like They Did Play Ball and the Other One Looks Like He Can Bomb You’ (VIDEO)

12 Comments on He said what?

  1. Burr,
    I don’t live in the States and I’m not laughing.
    Between Mr Potatoe head and The Glitter Socks Idiot in Canada people are suffering and the road ahead looks even worse.

  2. Who wanted to kill off American energy independence by blocking the building of Keystone and shutting down coal production? That’s right, Obama. Who’s DoJ was already ignorning the violence of BLM, Occupy, and antifa, but going after conservatives through the abusive powers of the same DoJ, FBI, IRS, and other fed agencies? Right again, Obama.

    Does anyone here still think O’Brandon is “running the country”? There are plenty of examples of Obama’s original, stated policies that are currently front and center in this current gov’t. Even so, we all knew that he wasn’t smart enough and God knows, like O’Brandon, even on the job enough (remember all those lengthy vacations?) to pull off what was being pulled off. So, what this means is we’ve been couped by the same people who installed Obama.

    Trotting O’Brandon out for his senile day trips is merely them rubbing our noses in it.

  3. I’m starting to think every time he goes off script what he says needs to be analyzed.

    “It’s not who votes, it’s who counts the votes”

    “We have the best voter fraud network ever conceived.”

  4. Replace Joe Biden with Donald Trump and you’d have a “scandal”, outrage, riots in the streets (what else is new?), impeachment investigation, and media hacks screeching on TV and radio over this.
    The same people who have no problem with a real racist like Joe Biden, but claim Trump who had done more to blacks and Hispanics than all democrats combined is a racist.

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