He seems a little scared – IOTW Report

He seems a little scared


Reid may not make it to his retirement party.
Pelosi  may finish the job that his ‘exercise equipment’ couldn’t.

16 Comments on He seems a little scared

  1. PLEASE…someone tie that scarf hiding her sagging neck tighter…then let us hang the bitch by it. You can charge to then have people paying use her speaker’s gavel to shove it up her saggy ass.

  2. I don’t want either one of them to just disappear. I want them to stay in the Senate and be absolutely MISERABLE knowing they helped orchestrate the destruction of their party and the election of Trump. I want them to feel as insignificant as they’ve made us feel.

  3. @aleon: “Finally, a picture depicting the resurrection of the Democrat party leadership. ”

    Indeed, complete with a full schedule of withered antique faces, physical degradations, and serious mental illnesses.

  4. They are indeed the progenitors of all things demoncratic. Such proud parents, such remarkable offspring. The stones don’t fall far from these two old relics of the ice age, with the mental acuity and sharpness of a box of rocks.

  5. Harry Reid just settled his lawsuit against the company that makes the exercise band that beat the crap out of his face. No money will change hands under the agreement. However, every exercise band that the make in the future will be required to include the following label: ” WARNING! Accepting campaign contributions from Las Vegas casino families and failing to secure the desired variances from the Nevada Gaming Commission can be hazardous to your health.”

  6. Harry’s not nervous about Pelosi, he’s nervous about going home to Nevada. You don’t fail to deliver to “the boys” and expect no discussions to take place. After all, he took a beating, er I mean accident when he was a sitting senior senator imagine what happens now.

  7. Harry’s brother beat his face in. Check it out. There was a family get together. Alcohol was involved. His face was hit multiple times by a drunken brother who turned up later at an AA meeting with a badly bruised right hand. He was arrested later that night for a DUI with lots of bruises. Then Senator Reid had to come up with the exercise band excuse to cover up the family discord. They are good Mormons after all.

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