He was asking for it. – IOTW Report

He was asking for it.

Mike Pence Invokes Cringe With Post About Ukraine, So Robert Barnes Burns the Post With Pure Fire.

LibertyDaily: Mike Pence is a warmongering NeoCon. Let’s get that out of the way up front. His visit to Ukraine this week marked a low point for him as he sides with the UniParty Swamp to antagonize Russia as much as possible.

We can feel sympathetic for the Ukrainian people without getting involved. In 2023, the United States cannot handle its own massive problems, so moonlighting in Ukraine is nonsensical. Pence disagrees. more

17 Comments on He was asking for it.

  1. “This is the kind of fraud @Mike_Pence is. He describes as “freedom” a country that banned free speech, banned free press, banned free exercise of religion, banned opposing parties, banned opposing media, and locked up priests, political opponents and protest bloggers.”

    …and Mike Pence also personally ordered the murder of an unarmed veteran woman, don’t forget.

    As he was engaged in treason against a duly elected President by betraying his country ratifying clear election fraud in exchange for a single coin.


  2. Pence – a Doltish Rino with an ice-cube’s chance in Hell of becoming President.

    Why did Trump pick him? Trump has got to do a much better job of picking political allies and advisors. He associated himself with too many neo-cons and RINOs. Some of them, like Barr, were total turncoats.

    President Trump, learn from the last time, please. You have to do better, sir.

  3. “from the safety of Kiev:”

    …so, there’s NOT an active war in Ukrane, making its CAPITOL “safe” for wealthy traitors to God and Country to bloviate from in a clear violation of the Logan Act?

    …interesting how much more coverage Vietnam got than Ukrane, even with technology 5 decades older than we have now.

    …almost like someone doesn’t WANT us to see what our tax dollars are being stolen for, for some reason…

  4. Tim Buktu AT 3:20 PM^^^^When Trump selects his next cabinet and staff he should have “Apprentice” type auditions and those who can’t pass are “FIRED”

  5. This guy’s entire life has been a con job. A carefully crafted image that is as hollow as a chocolate rabbit at Easter time. There is absolutely nothing authentic about him. A good analogy would be the makeup artist and airbrush face on the girls with a birthmark that looks just like a staple featured in the centerfold ofPlayboy magazine. Not a perfect analogy though, that makeup and airbrushing conceals “defects” that diverge from the contemporary ideal that the girls were born with. In the case of the former, a person’s character is not determined. Not that there aren’t centerfold models whose facial features are natural, but there are as many butter faces as there are natural beauties. In the case of Pence, what is being concealed bears no resemblance to what he has been being advertised as.

    He is so totally lacking in any sense of honor and dignity that the best analogy I can come up with is the difference between furniture such as Thomasville or Henridon vs particle board hidden beneath a thin veneer of some exotic wood. Perhaps a Hide of Nauga coat might work better. It appears from a distance to be genuine leather, but fails miserably upon wear to deliver any of the virtues of a garment crafted from genuine leather.

    “The louder he talked of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

  6. And NO ONE knew who Pence was before Trump pulled him out of a cow’s ass & made him a running mate, who he back stabbed.

    Go back up the cow’s ass Mikey.

  7. Pence demonstrated his lack of resolve, principles and backbone when he was governor of Indiana. He has all the charisma of a cigar store Indian and so his ability to generate interest/excitement is zero. Why is he wasting his time and ours? Maybe those who own him know something we don’t.

  8. Have always had that creepy feeling that Pense wanders around American cisterns as a public servant…with a full deliberate (yet uncontrollable) bladder…ewww!!!

    Then, thinks he deserves to be President!!!!!!!!?

  9. Mr. Happy

    Kawlija had more charisma than Pence! Pine tres have more charm than mike! Rut “Bush Republicans” back him for reasons that should be obvious!

    Pleas do not insult Kawilja.

  10. The war in Ukraine is nothing but money laundering for the Biden ilk and Zelenskyy. Four years ago Zelenskyy’s wife was almost flat chested. She now sports a set of D’s.


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