“He Was Insulting, Demanding and Rude and I Told Him to Never Contact Me Again” – Sidney Powell on Tucker Carlson – IOTW Report

“He Was Insulting, Demanding and Rude and I Told Him to Never Contact Me Again” – Sidney Powell on Tucker Carlson

Gateway Pundit: On Thursday night Tucker Carlson from FOX News told his audience he invited Attorney Sidney Powell on his show to share evidence of elections software flipping votes. Tucker said Sidney got angry and refused to provide evidence for voting software flipping votes.

On Friday morning Maria Bartiromo asked Sidney Powell how she responded to Tucker.

50 Comments on “He Was Insulting, Demanding and Rude and I Told Him to Never Contact Me Again” – Sidney Powell on Tucker Carlson

  1. I’m not exactly sure why Sidney would show Tucker exactly how the Dominion vote fraud was done before she showed a court how it was done. Why would she give Dominion a public heads-up about what she has?
    And what if the person/people who could show how it was done (maybe Dominion employees) doesn’t want to be outed?

  2. ^^^Maybe she thought his show would be a good venue to get some info out there – someone on the same page who wouldn’t twist everything she said into something shitty. Has Tucker gone over to the dark side? We shall see.

  3. I think Jenna Ellis explained it the best. This is not going to be tried in the court of public opinion. Tucker is not a lawyer, a judge or any part of the legal process and while he can ask for evidence, he has no business demanding it or brow-beating someone for it. I now have reservations about Tucker and if he’s gotten too big for his britches.

    Listen to what Jenna has to say about this. It is well worth it:

  4. Tucker: But she won’t show ME!11!!!
    -Are you on her law team?
    Shut it.
    You’ll see it when we see it, k?

    I seem to remember that we were supposed to believe Tucker 100% when that giant box of evidence (which turned out to be just a flash drive) was melodramatically lost in the mail! *gasp* But not Sidney. Don’t cut her any slack. She’s just a high profile former fed prosecutor who is given high praise from democrats, even. pfffffft!

  5. I watched Tucker last night and was gobsmacked, thinking ,”They got to him as well”.

    Maybe because Tucker still has some semblance of viewership left (not for long if this keeps up) and evokes a higher level of importance on himself then what’s warranted, but surely he has to know that what he was referencing was a presser, not a court of law, and that her duties now are in collecting and presenting evidence to judges, not ego-maniacal talk show hosts.

    I expect a double serving of crow tonight on his show. How could he misjudge his audience so badly?

  6. O’Connor arranged interview with her on Monday. But she said she is extremely busy so she won’t be doing much media. She has a case to win.

    O’Connor has had a media relationship since before Michael Flynn case.

  7. I just noticed every day a different FOX person trolls Giuliani and the others to some degree. Most times, it’s petty. But I notice none of them get out and investigate for themselves. You can actually go out there and dig around without involving yourself with the Trump team. But, no. They’re on Manhattan, on the 20th floor, powdering their greasy faces.

  8. “Vegas Oddsmaker Says, “The Fix Was In, Trump Was Robbed, This Election Was Stolen”” by Wayne Root

    “..Why would Fox News be in such a rush to call Arizona for Biden? At that moment, Trump’s odds crashed almost instantly from 8 to 1, back down to 2 to 1. That drop set off alarm bells. My friend who is one of the biggest bookmakers in the country called me to say, “Wayne, something is wrong. I’ve never seen a drop like that, let alone a drop that fast. How can Trump go from 8 to 1, to 2 to 1. Someone knows something. We’ve got a problem.” …”

    https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/vegas-oddsmaker-says-the-fix-was-in-trump-was-robbed-this-election-was-stolen/ .

  9. Tucker is hedging his bets. He’s working for the company that is being run by two sons and daughters-in-laws who openly supported Dementia Joe Obiden Bama and Kalamity.. He want to remain employed and that requires him to be unfair and unbalanced. And, he’s practically the only person alive on national television who wears a bow tie, without a severe lisp.

  10. Daily Caller has lefty writers on it. They used to get a section, and then they removed it. (no interest?) Now they just let them post without calling them ‘opinion’ pieces. I don’t care if they have lefty writers, but if you let them push the site in the opposite direction that’s a problem for them. Not me.

    Several writers went elsewhere (Spectator, other blogs). The only person of any interest at DC is Chuck Ross. But I read whatever he has on twitter or elsewhere.

  11. Back in the day when I ran a blog, Daily Caller stole video we captured at the Supreme Court without attribution of protestors receiving $20 for showing up.

    Hannity aired it on FNC show and gave us credit.

    Tucker did not

  12. F****r Carlson, being a city boy, has forgotten or never learned that there is a limit on the killing of geese that lay the golden eggs. Maybe he’s finally going to get that VERY important lesson, just like the rest of the FAUX News cane toads. And, may it be hoped, he soon will find out what it is like in the same dumpster with the likes of Guano Williams, Brett Baier, Jessica Tarlick and Dana Purina (h/t MJA) and the other blonde bint whose name I cant recall right now..

  13. I have to be honest. I never liked Laura Ingraham. On her radio show, a liberal caller challenged her on a statement but was very nice about it. Lib actually agreed on some Conservative points. But what did Laura do? She was flippant, rude and kept cutting her off. And at some point, she misunderstood what the caller was saying. It was a trainwreck. She had done it several times before but that was the last straw for me. She missed an opportunity to convince that chick and instead she made fun of her to the point where I was siding with the Lib. lol. But on FOX? Laura talks shit and then apologizes the next day. What’s the point?

  14. Skank is correct. Carlson isn’t a Conservative and he’s never said as much. Which is why some of my friends always told me ‘that other shoe is going to drop when he’s pressured’. lol

  15. So one of them is lying – Tucker claims she would give him no information and Powell says not only did she provide some information she also gave an affidavit that hadn’t been filed. I’m betting on Powell. Carlson can be very rude and condescending and I’m sure he would do whatever to push to be the one to get the case details so the media hounds can go to work doxxing and attacking the witnesses and material.

  16. TBH, I don’t watch Tucker to get the conservative take, on anything. I watch him because he reports on stories the MSM won’t touch; military fraud, Biden’s senility, Hunter’s corrupt business transactions, the truth about ANTIFA, the degrading business climate in California, the hypocrisy of CNN and MSNBC, democrat governors and their lust for power under the guise of COVID safety, and yes, voting irregularities. and hoe does it (until now) in an honest unbiased fashion.

    There might be some truth in pressure from his bosses to tac left and declare the election a done deal, so far he has not done this. Last nights show certainly did not help him.

  17. I watched this and said at the time what others are saying here. Pretty entitled of him to think he deserves information that belongs in a courtroom. I like him, but he diminished himself in my eyes.

    Reminded of me when they would ask Rumsfeld where Bin Laden was. Sure, he’s gonna tell that.

  18. Why would she give Dominion a public heads-up about what she has?
    I’m pretty sure Dominion knows how their equipment and software work to steal votes. That’s why it was created in the first place.

  19. Has FOX warned Tucker Carlson or did his staff pull some stunts behind his back?

    Why would any lawyer present their evidence to the MEDIA and give them and their Puppet Masters time to twist it, hide it, and threaten Witnesses or have then hang themselves in protective custody with the camera out for maintenance before the court hearing?

  20. Tucker. You don’t treat WONDER WOMAN that way and you are being devious to even ASK for evidence because you know damn well you can’t do that before it’s submitted in a court of law unless you purposely want to tank your case.

    I unfollowed him on Instagram today. Gutfeld. GTFO!

  21. Aaaaaaaannnnnnnnd that MONEY doesn’t have to come from FOX!
    It can come from Lefty Lawyers looking to coax/bribe/bonus these talking heads into their point of view just as easily…

  22. If I was not married already, I would propose to this WONDER WOMAN. (per the other thread…) :>)

    She’s my type…and that accent…as a Northerner it slays me…

  23. I saw the whole clip and I was so disappointed in Tucker. But there is an agenda everywhere these days. His pockets are being filled by those that are not on our side so he has no choice but to attack. I’ve truly had enough.

    Oh, and Ghost only likes the accent of Wonder Woman because I have a HUGE crush on Flynn. Haven’t I said that before!

    God Bless us all!!!

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  25. There are a ton of legal and practical reasons why Sidney can’t show it all right now.

    Tucker sure didn’t think this one through. Perhaps he’s being gaslighted by his F— Fox bosses (rino rat Paul Ryan, for one).

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