‘He was just giving his honest opinion.’ – IOTW Report

‘He was just giving his honest opinion.’

‘He was just giving his honest opinion.’ Woman Loses Patience In A Big Way With Sister’s “Brutally Honest” Boyfriend.

21 Comments on ‘He was just giving his honest opinion.’

  1. this describes my father to perfection.he was the kind of person who thought that putting other people down built himself up.

    my 67 year old baby brother is the same way. neither one can figure out why I left in 1973 and never went back.

  2. I don’t see how anything concerning anyone else’s decisions about children are any of his business, and that’s just what he needed to be told. Shut him down as many times as necessary, don’t even entertain the question.

    And tell your sister she needs a new boyfriend. Apologize for not calling him an asshole SOONER, when she wasn’t so involved.

  3. For someone who is “brutally honest” he sure is a sensitive snowflake. She should never have engaged with the oaf. She should have told him in the beginning it was a personal issue and none of his business. In the interest of family harmony, she might now give one of those democrat apologies: “I’m sorry if you took offense at anything I said, BUT, I am very sensitive discussing deeply personal issues with others outside the family.” She should also tell her sister: “I’m going to be brutally honest; no offense, but your boyfriend is an asshole.”

  4. There’s nothing wrong in being honest. The person on the receiving end may think it’s “brutal,” only because the truth is painful. I for one can’t stand people who beat around the bush, sugar coat it, or manipulate the truth. I like upfront people, I know then where they’re coming from.


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