“He Was My Good Samaritan” – Survivor Natalie Harp Thanks President Trump for ‘Right to Try’ Legislation That Saved Her Life – IOTW Report

“He Was My Good Samaritan” – Survivor Natalie Harp Thanks President Trump for ‘Right to Try’ Legislation That Saved Her Life

GWP: Young Natalie Harp thanked President Trump at a Faith&Freedom Coalition meeting in June of this year.  Her life was saved by President Trump’s “Right to Try” legislation.

At the Faith&Freedom Coalition meeting this year, young and healthy Natalie Harp claimed President Trump was her ‘Good Samaritan’.  She said:

We all know the story of the Good Samaritan, but what you don’t know is that I was that forgotten person on the side of the road.  The victim of medical error, the number three cause of death under the previous administration, and left to die of cancer.

First the medical establishment, they came by and they saw me there, so they wrote prescriptions for opioids, and they walked on.

Next the political establishment, they saw me there, and they stopped just long enough to come over and tell me how to die, how to speed up my death so I could somehow, “Die with dignity”.

But then an outsider, my good Samaritan, President Donald J. Trump, he saw me there and he didn’t walk by.  He stopped, and for every single one of us, he gave up his own quality of life, so we could live and work and fight with dignity.  Because he believes in survival of the fighter, not the fittest. MORE

4 Comments on “He Was My Good Samaritan” – Survivor Natalie Harp Thanks President Trump for ‘Right to Try’ Legislation That Saved Her Life

  1. …ever since Obamacare chased all the experienced docs out, I’ve noticed an explosion in things that are not doctors doing doctor things (e.g. Physician’s Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, etc.), people being shunted to bigger and worse nursing homes than usual, and a probably not-coincidental sharp increase in hospice “care” offerings instead of, you know, actually making folks BETTER.

    Not that I’m that confident they still KNOW how to make people better.

    I’ve chronicled bits of my son’s last experience with surgery here, which were markedly less positive that some previous experiences we’ve had over the years, and the watershed event seemed to have been Obamacare. Not only was there an apparent mass exodus of docs after that dark day, but the younger ones are NOT docs (be careful to read the badges, since they costume them to LOOK like docs), and even NURSING, that former bastion of of patient protection that you all have seen me laud on these pages, seems to be on the same downhill broken bobsled ride straight into the parking lot at the base of the Mountain of Medical Malpractice.

    I covered previously where they made a very earnest attempt to let a simple asthma attack kill my post-surgical son, all because a nurse wanted to have clearance from the Surgeon General I guess, given the amount of time she abandoned us, before she would give him lifesaving Albuterol that was ALREADY ON HIS CURRENT MEDICINE LIST, so I won’t re-hash THAT; but OTHER things, like the RN…that’s right, I double-checked her tag, it said “R.N.”…who winced HARD when she saw my son’s nasal packs (really? You got THAT far and bloody COTTON is manifestly disturbing to you so the PATIENT can see it on YOUR face and get upset?), or the N.P. who didn’t know if a medicine could be ground enough for a dysphagic patient to easily swallow so I had to call the pharmacy MYSELF when she scarpered and never returned an answer, to the LPN who made me sleep in the fucking LOBBY because “there were too many people in the room” at 1230 AM, after the hospital had REPEATEDLY demonstrated we NEEDED to watch them (my wife was on it and didn’t want to leave him, or I wouldn’t have until the ARMED security that seemed to be more numerous than the medical personnel dragged me out), to a different NP who couldn’t properly READ the discharge instructions, the whole thing from a supposedly premier, nationally ranked hospital did NOTHING but maul my confidence in modern medical care.

    And again, many of the nurses, if they were even in their late 20’s I’d eat all the lit candles on their last birthday cake, so they must REALLY be relaxing the standards these days to go low-rent on personnl while still charging beaucoup bucks for the stay.

    In fairness, the surgeon was great, the ICU was great, but everything ELSE, sucked.

    And I’ve had similar experiences with even MINOR care like stiches at other institutions, but this is ALREADY in TL:DNR territory, so I’ll leave that for another day.

    To THIS young lady’s point: yes, the politicians seem eager for us to die, I suppose so we’ll become reliable Democrat votes afterwards. The medical establishment seems to have little interest in patient outcomes because the check cashes either way, so crap staffing and indifferent care is now the order of the day, but the one thing Jeff Sessions DID actually do was scare them OUT of administering effective pain relief, so really they don’t even give the OPIATES any more.

    …so I, with her, welcome the President TRYING to do something about the mess “Obama” brought to a boil,but I think we’ve lost good patient care for at LEAST a generation, even if he CAN keep the socialist at bay a bit longer.

    The kids don’t even KNOW what “good” is any more. Democrats have seen to THAT. And they’ve been well-trained to disrespect us, ALSO seen to by Democrats. That is why I suspect that President Trump, for all the good he HAS and TRIES to do, is just a caesura, a final dam against the flood tide of ignorace, that only slows the stupid but is powerless to stop it.

    As Democrats intened.

    Best case, when we’re gone, our millennial progeny will be so conditioned to mediocrity, even privation, that the last embers of this nation’s fire will be subsumed in the wet blanket of Socialism, with state media and state Internet companies to ensure that no record of other things remains.

    There’s a Samurai Jack episode when he is time-travelled into an appaling future where the world is run by a murderous tyrant. After being cheered for impressive heroics against the State minions, which they had NEVER seen opposed, Jack looks at them askance and says, How did this (oppressive society) happen?
    The youth then go blank, look at each other, and say, “Don’t know. It’s always been this way”.

    …I fear that’s what OUR children will believe when we’re gone, and with us, our memory of the great institutions that were, when they are forced to eat zoo animals and obey the Governments every whim:

    “It’s ALWAYS been this way”…

  2. Mithrandir
    DECEMBER 26, 2019 AT 7:56 AM
    “Isn’t it nice to see someone ACTUALLY trying in politics?

    Instead we usually get a lot of tough talk, then people whimper away after they don’t get what they want.”

    …you are absolutely correct about the REPUBLICAN side, GOP-E’s put up the white flag faster than the French, but give the devil his due: the Communist side never, EVER backs down, and is actually MORE likely to DOUBLE down after a blazing defeat, all the while turning ALL the scandals and illegal crap back on the Republicans with the help of a submissive media, so not only do NO Dems go to jail, but Republicans ALWAYS end up on the DEFENSIVE, no matter any facts or evidence.

    Witness the impeachment.

    The President is fighting back AND getting things done because HE is a fighter who can multitask, but even HE has to waste time and energy on this NOTHING, and watch wobbly RHINOS take shots at him all the while, too.

    If the Republicans had 1/1024th of the tenacity, the balls, the utter doggedness that the Democrats have in THEIR evil cause, then we wouldn’t BE here today, oiling our actions and carefully boresighting our soon-to-be outlawed rifles because there’s a very REAL chance that Democrats WITH the assistance of Trump hating and cowardly “republicans” actually WILL remove a sitting President from office for the terrible crime of not being Hillary Clinton.

    As it is, we may well have to fulfill our Constitutional duties under the Second Amendment to protect this Nation and its rightful President, all because Dems do NOT give up and R’s DO.

    Sharpen your blades. We pawns are as likely to see action as the REST of the board is, and we can’t even be sure that our Bishops haven’t been subverted…

  3. Supernightshade DECEMBER 26, 2019 AT 2:18 AM

    Dear God I hope you’re wrong…

    From the other side of the ledger…

    Watched over the holiday as my son (on call) spent an inordinate of time with “patients” (instead of us) that were not regular to the practice. To include a woman here from France that he went in to see at their offices. They neglected to change the posting of hours for the holiday on the website and anyone looking for help called their practice. He’s on call for three-quarters of the weekends and holidays. He’s rethinking that one for the next contract.

    The scary part is the viral and bacterial crap that is becoming more and more common to the point that he has not joined in gatherings until he has gone sufficient amount of time after he is exposed. “Like to be with you, but until I know I’m clean I can’t chance exposing you.” Same with the daughter and hers is in some cases worse with what comes to the “special needs” practice.

    Don’t have your abilities to tell the tales and limited by the fact that both are often circumspect in talking about the crap that becomes more common than what the general public has any idea about.


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