Head of US Energy Alliance Says Biden Administration’s Energy Policies Are Driving up Costs of Oil and Gas – IOTW Report

Head of US Energy Alliance Says Biden Administration’s Energy Policies Are Driving up Costs of Oil and Gas

Epoch Times:

While the pandemic has spurred demand, leading to increased energy prices, the Biden administration’s reliance on imports is a greater contributor to the increased costs of oil and gas said Jerry Simmons the president of The Domestic Energy Producers Alliance (DEPA) in a Dec. 23 interview on NTD’s “Capitol Report” program.

NTD is an affiliate of The Epoch Times.

On Nov. 23 the Biden administration announced that it would be taking oil out of the Strategic Petroleum Reserves (SPR) in an effort to lower gas prices, which are at a 20-year high.

“I believe that the White House probably said that a two-cent drop in gasoline prices nationwide was a result of that,” said Simmons, referring to the 15 million barrels that the Biden administration took out of the SPR. Simmons said taking oil out of the reserves will ultimately end up costing the taxpayer more, not saving money. more

11 Comments on Head of US Energy Alliance Says Biden Administration’s Energy Policies Are Driving up Costs of Oil and Gas

  1. North America is Full of Oil:
    West Coast – Barely touched
    Alaska – Still Full
    Dakota – Bakken reserves
    Gulf – still pumping
    Canadian Tar Sands
    Northern Passage – Still untapped 90 Billion Barrels

    Plus all the Shit Hole Countries like Venezuela etc.

    But hell no, lets use wind & solar struggle with the battery problems while making Theocratic Regimes wealthy.

    No nukes either…

  2. Biden’s aim is the dissolution of the Republic.
    The Demonrats have been giving us the “Death of a Thousand Cuts” since Carter – well, probably since Wilson.
    Our schools are fetid shit-pits of ignorance and indoctrination, our legal system is a cudgel, and our political system is an obvious kleptocracy.

    But, it’s Sunday! May God have mercy on us.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim -FJB

    Biden has no Aim.
    He Told himself to go fuck himself on that live Broadcast to “Jared” on Christmas Eve.
    He thinks he is doing a great job.
    He is completely oblivious to what is actually happening around him. He & his family were committing the most basic types of Bribes & Grifts before his installation & Dementia. (Nothing like the Clinton Heists or Al Gore’s Hoax)
    Anyone want to buy my son’s “Street Art” etc.

    The People who INSTALLED him are trying to take down the USA, North America, & the Europe that Resists Socialism (ie. Poland)

    Let’s hope the Mid-Term elections are not Hi-jacked by OMICRON.

    It is not an accident that it showed up right before Christmas to help hide how empty the shelves really are.
    Imagine the headlines if all 50 states were “open” & travel was draining the OIL Reserves at full consumption.

    $7.00 / Gallon for sure.



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