Healin’ n Dealin’ – IOTW Report

Healin’ n Dealin’

So, Turns out There’s Actually Scientific Data That Liberals Are More Likely To Have Mental Problems.

14 Comments on Healin’ n Dealin’

  1. First, liberalism is easy: it’s a way to cut the line to feel ‘smart’ (you get a participation trophies, or money for doing stupid things, from the likes of Soros, Bezos, Gates, Styer, the democrat party, etc), and you are never held to know anything or have to stand up to anything or anyone that will do the stupid shit you do back to you. Thus, it is a magnet for infantile adults, criminals and losers.

    Second, the left needs money, and the only rich people who will give it are either nuts, or pedophiles or perverts – and they are essentially paying leftist politicians for protection.

    Third, the people paying off the useful idiots and pervs are themselves wholly corrupt and incompetent at anything other than stealing and repeating leftist bullshit (imagine Maxine Waters, either Obama, hillary clinton, pelosi, biden, alexandra cortez, sanders, etc trying to earn in the private sector).

    Thus, we have corrupt dumbasses paying off corruptable dumbasses, and sexual deviants paying off the corrupt dumbasses.

    Sick people gravitate to other sick people.

  2. It is part of their identity, they use it to gain intersectionality points and to connect with each other. I’m more fucked up in the head that thou is their favorite way for shitbag loser progs to pass the time among friends in Seattle and Portland.

  3. My power point for thanksgiving mimicked one of those old SNL sketches that Stuart Smalley (Aka former senator from Minn,) had – proving to them that I am Lord of the Universe. Gender – smender.

  4. Another unnecessary study, that was a total waste of money, to tell us what we already knew.

    Are eggs good for us or secret killers? It seems to change every 5 years or so.

  5. Both. Liberalism causes a lot of people to believe that government is the ultimate source of everything needed in order to survive. Rather than trusting in God and his provision for our lives far too many people believe that government is our god and have surrendered all their trust and responsibility for their lives over to the government. Where the spirit of the Lord is there is true freedom and where there the spirit of government is there is nothing but chaos and anarchy and ultimately the loss of any freedoms. I prefer freedom and being responsible to God for my daily needs rather than trusting in an ever increasing tyrannical government that will destroy everything good about America in order to gain power and authority over us and turn us all into serfs and slaves totally subservient to their ungodly and unconstitutional mandates and dictates.


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