Health Canada confirms cancer-linked Simian Virus 40 DNA sequence found in Pfizer COVID jab – IOTW Report

Health Canada confirms cancer-linked Simian Virus 40 DNA sequence found in Pfizer COVID jab

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — The presence of Polyomavirus Simian Virus 40 (SV40), which is a monkey-linked DNA sequence known to cause cancer when it was used in old polio vaccines, has been confirmed by Health Canada to be present in the Pfizer COVID shot, a fact that was not disclosed by the vaccine maker to officials.

As first reported by The Epoch Times last week, there is still ongoing debate among scientists regarding the findings, with some reporting SV40 poses a cancer risk and was hidden on purpose while others say it is nothing to worry about.

As per an email that was sent to The Epoch Times, Health Canada said it “expects sponsors to identify any biologically functional DNA sequences within a plasmid (such as an SV40 enhancer) at the time of submission.”

“Although the full DNA sequence of the Pfizer plasmid was provided at the time of initial filing, the sponsor did not specifically identify the SV40 sequence,” Health Canada added. more

12 Comments on Health Canada confirms cancer-linked Simian Virus 40 DNA sequence found in Pfizer COVID jab

  1. You can’t continue making shit-tons of money off sick people unless you do everything possible to perpetuate sickness. The human body knows how to heal itself unless it is prevented by outside forces. Injecting something into the body bypasses all of the natural protection devices that would otherwise work to keep it safe. THAT is why vaccines have become more important than ANYTHING to bigPharma and the western medical CARTEL.

  2. I read about it causing cancer way back in 2021 on No one believed it then and not many believe it now. They’re lining up to get another jab! The one thing that people know that will kill them, but they do it anyways for an ice cream cone or a piece of pizza. 🙂

  3. Always remember that, in the US at least, you can NOT discharge medical debt in a bankruptcy.

    That’s why they keep you sick. You will ALWAYS be beholden to them no matter what.

  4. Chapter 7 allows consumers to sell — or liquidate — property to pay medical debts. Filing for this costs $335. Chapter 13, instead, allows you to follow a 3- to 5-year court-ordered repayment plan. You pay back until ALL your money and belongings are gone.

  5. Different Tim,

    Wadduya mean Start?

    And FWIW, I sick as hell right now probably with a Flu or COOF so essentially everyone who didn’t get the Clot Shot was correct.

    Work would not allow me to refuse in 2020. esp my Contracts to service Banks & Pharmacies in Canuckistan. Remember, THEY freeze bank accounts up here.

    So me and my brother split the difference. He skipped it & I took the hand grenades. In a small family business that was the best way to reduce the rich to the Younger Brother.

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