Healthcare systems wary of instituting COVID-19 shots mandate over fears of losing staff – IOTW Report

Healthcare systems wary of instituting COVID-19 shots mandate over fears of losing staff

Wa Ex:

Healthcare providers hesitate to require workers to get the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment, fearing a mandate could cause the resignations of staff they cannot afford to lose.

“[Hospitals] are doing a balancing act between caring for patients and not contributing to the pandemic by spreading COVID-19 through unvaccinated clinicians,” said Audrey Capozzoli, president of Renal Reserve, a national dialysis staffing agency. “Hospitals that mandate vaccinations and may terminate employees who refuse to get them could find themselves short-staffed. This leads to staff burnout and further reduction of qualified clinicians.” more here

12 Comments on Healthcare systems wary of instituting COVID-19 shots mandate over fears of losing staff

  1. Huh.

    Maybe there’s a MEDICAL REASON why these MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS don’t want this MEDICAL PROCEDURE?

    …maybe people who ACTUALLY do doctor things KNOW better than to take MASSIVE and UNKNOWN risks for NO gain, just sayin’…

  2. Well, with government run healthcare, this is what you get: the least amount of healthcare for the most amount of money, that can still be called “healthcare”.

  3. Nurses unions have already warned their employers that they will not get the jab and they will quit leading to a disastrous shortage of medical personnel. Even some doctors are refusing it. Shut them down! Don’t let them dictate what goes into your body. We’re already seeing shortages of medical personnel here. Also, friend here whose an RN said that the only covid patients in the hospital are the ones who already got the jab. FDA approved? What was approved? Approved to kill you? I bet there’s at least 20% medical care workers who aren’t getting the jab. TPTB are worried how to handle them. They know it’s bad, they see it everyday. My doctor was telling me all about the covid people he has seen. He got the jab, I told him I wasn’t. He now works for the hospital, so, their way or the highway – him and his wife.

  4. My cousin and her husband up in MI, an ER nurse and respiratory therapist are going to quit rather than take the jab. They’re already making plans for starting a home health company.

  5. Last Friday, our fascist lesbian governor ordered all healthcare workers to get the jab or lose their jobs. Massive uprising among the healthcare workers is brewing. They will be demonstrating on Wednesday at our local medical center.

  6. Mark Parkinson of the American Health Care Association says vax hesitant nursing home workers will just go to other health care employers. His solution, force it on ALL health workers. So, the solution to problems caused by tyranny is more tyranny when he should have just told Biden to fuck off and mind his own business. It really seems that cowardly morons, imbeciles, lunatics, and retards have risen to the top of all of our institutions.


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