Heckled When She Spoke Out for Pledge of Allegiance, Academic Sues – IOTW Report

Heckled When She Spoke Out for Pledge of Allegiance, Academic Sues

Epoch Times:

Santa Barbara City College academic whom radical activists attempted to intimidate by heckling and booing when she spoke out against the board’s ban on reciting the Pledge of Allegianceduring meetings is suing the California school for denying her free speech rights.

Adjunct professor Celeste Barber (not to be confused with the comedian of the same name) said that an angry mob—whose conduct she claims was condoned by the campus administration—tried to silence her while she made comments at a college board of trustees meeting Jan. 24.

While it was happening, “I was terrified,” Barber, an English instructor who retired from the college in 2015 after 20 years’ service, told The Epoch Times in an interview.

“I could hear the shouting and foot-stomping. I was frightened.”

“Mine was a very civil statement and I didn’t expect such a backlash. I was stunned.” more here

11 Comments on Heckled When She Spoke Out for Pledge of Allegiance, Academic Sues

  1. poor lady didn’t realize her civil statement was like a bucket of chum tossed in the ocean to draw sharks to the boat. you learn something new every day there Celeste

  2. She learned the hard way. You can’t disagree with them on anything. The slightest deviation from the agenda will be met with the full force of the jack boots.

  3. This subversive behavior continues as long as it’s tolerated.
    Before I invested in an education for my child I’d have made it understood that the instructors and staff had better keep their politics to themselves unless it’s delivered in an even handed way. If not then they can stand by for a taste of mine.

  4. When a simple statement of fact that there are two genders is called ‘incendiary’, heckling someone for defending the idea of allegiance to a nation fits right in to these times.

  5. the very idiots that were heckling and booing will claim it is their 1st amendment right to do so…. but this is the same crowd that will take that right away from someone else

  6. It’s pretty simple. The board doesn’t want to be reminded that they’re a bunch of treasonous bastards. They are against the edicts of natural law and represent the forces of tyranny. They should be dealt with accordingly.

  7. May she do to them what the Gibson family did to Oberlin College!

    Cannot wait for the day that these idiots learn that, sooner or later, you cannot continue to “poke the bear” without personal risk and cost!


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