Heckling a Reporter Is NOT a Threat to The Republic – IOTW Report

Heckling a Reporter Is NOT a Threat to The Republic

DMF: A little time spent googling will reveal to anyone who bothers to look that Donald Trump has never actually said that the press is the enemy of the people. He is quoted as saying that the “fake news press” is the enemy of the people, or specific Democratic Party news outlets like CNN are the enemy of the people. To listen to the media today, The Republic is said to be on the verge of collapse and the press are in physical danger now, because Jim Acosta was heckled. It’s time for Acosta and the media et al to grow up.

Your life is not in danger because some people yell and hold up a “CNN sucks” signs. You look absolutely silly to most Americans when you try to present yourselves as valiant warriors risking your lives daily to stand around at the latest Trump rally. It’s just dumb. Besides, much of the elevated temperature in our discourse today can be directly traced back to the media themselves. They should try taking some responsibility for that before another unhinged leftist shoots up a group of duly elected representatives on a ball field or something.

Keep in mind, there’s never been one attack at a Trump rally on a journalist. NONE.    MORE

10 Comments on Heckling a Reporter Is NOT a Threat to The Republic

  1. Reporters being biased, rude, and dishonest while harassing the president and his administration IS a threat to the republic.
    We finally have someone in charge who’s willing to fight back. Give ’em hell President Trump!

  2. When the crowd chanted, “CNN is fake news, CNN sucks, etc.”
    Jim Acaustica responded, and I paraphrase, “These people chanting [CNN this and that] and CNN sucks is fake.”

    CNN’s cameras capture fake things in real time, with a reporter on spot to debunk what the camera captured. Acaustica is a fucking miracle reporter.

  3. With the advent of the internet, everyone is now part of the media! Actually more so then the propaganda shills employed by the hate America turds and wrongly and falsely labeled as the press!

  4. 1. If they are in danger, why do they keep showing up?

    2. After all they have done, do they really expect Sanders to come to their defense about anything? That doesn’t seem at all realistic.

  5. He is quoted as saying that the “fake news press” is the enemy of the people, or specific Democratic Party news outlets like CNN are the enemy of the people.

    If you’re a Professional Journalist™ (even on the New™ Improved™ Fox), that’s like saying he only advocated “the necklacing of journalists on days that end with ‘y'”.

  6. Anonymous. No it’s not. Fake news is real. Check out the TET Offensive by Walter Cronkite during Vietnam. Dan Rather on George Bush being AWOL, Brian Williams on dead bodies floating on the streets of New Orleans and he getting shot at in a Helicopter. Check out The Twanana Brawley case, the Duke Lacrosse case, the Zimmerman case where CBC edited the 911 call to make Zimmerman look like a racist. When ABC rigged a car to explode to prove that Aouo Manufacturers were building unsafe cars. I could go on about fake news, but I need a drink.

  7. Anonymous. No it’s not. Fake news is real. Check out the TET Offensive by Walter Cronkite during Vietnam. Dan Rather on George Bush being AWOL, Brian Williams on dead bodies floating on the streets of New Orleans and he getting shot at in a Helicopter. Check out The Twanana Brawley case, the Duke Lacrosse case, the Zimmerman case where CBS edited the 911 call to make Zimmerman look like a racist. When ABC rigged a car to explode to prove that Auto Manufacturers were building unsafe cars. I could go on about fake news, but I need a drink.

  8. “that’s like saying he only advocated “the necklacing of journalists on days that end with ‘y’”.”

    That’s what the un American pieces of shit deserve. If they talk Mueller into slapping cuffs on DJT sometime you better look fucking out. Because were coming. And the press better hide.

  9. They shot Steve Scalise. Beat Rand Paul. Threaten the President and his family with kidnapping, rape and murder. Assault elderly women Trump supporters for wearing a red scarf. And they have assualted thousands of Trump supporters in the last year. And that homo Acosta is complaining? ?? I actually want to see dead reporters.

  10. Mike Brown is an American Hero

    There were people beat in Portland today too. Because they Mayor deemed it. Why are conservatives not hitting back? It’s embarrassing. I’m freaked tired of watching little pussies beat up “Conservatives”. Oh, and the Proud Boys. What exactly do you have to be proud of? Look me up, I’ll try and make men out of you. Very sad.


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