Hegseth: Deferred Maintenance by Biden Admin Caused Massive Flooding at Walter Reed – IOTW Report

Hegseth: Deferred Maintenance by Biden Admin Caused Massive Flooding at Walter Reed

Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth on Friday addressed video of massive flooding at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland just outside of Washington, D.C., saying the flooding was caused by deferred maintenance by the Biden administration and vowed that President Trump would provide the “best care” to troops.

The catastrophic damage at the hospital center occurred in mid-January right as Biden left office. A steam system failure and frozen pipes damaged a reported fifty rooms and six elevators, causing patients to be moved to other rooms and hospitals, surgeries to be put off, and reducing the ability to handle a mass casualty event.

Hegseth was responding to shocking video obtained by national talk radio host Buck Sexton posted to X Thursday night. Sexton had commented, “This flooding is inside Walter Reed National Military Medical center- source tells me following years of neglect, a critical steam system failure has crippled all non-emergency operations. Critical situation at military medicine’s flagship institution.”


9 Comments on Hegseth: Deferred Maintenance by Biden Admin Caused Massive Flooding at Walter Reed

  1. The trilliond went to trannies, commies, pete butthead moronic projects, mentally ill lesbos, and foreign bad actors who surely sent back a lot of of that money back to biden, pelosi, schumer, mcconnell and the like. This needs full investigation or it will happen again as soon as a swamp or dem candidate becomes president.


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