Hegseth: ‘identity months’ at DOD are over – IOTW Report

Hegseth: ‘identity months’ at DOD are over

Wa Examiner: Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth issued guidance on the eve of Black History Month declaring that “identity months” are “dead” at the Pentagon.

The guidance announced Friday stated that the Defense Department will “not use official resources, to include man-hours, to host celebrations or events” related to celebrations of the various months. Hegseth’s announcement did invite service members and civilians to still attend celebrations in their “unofficial capacity outside of duty hours.” MORE

13 Comments on Hegseth: ‘identity months’ at DOD are over

  1. So hard to realize how we have been betrayed by the GOP: THEY have been the problem all along. There are still too many GOPe rats in power. Primary rats lile murkowsy, mcconnell, graham.

  2. Just a nuther effort to divide people along lines of ethnicity, skin color, religion, sex, gender, disabilities such as deafness (both ears), dumb, blind (both eyes) and of course they even threw in Dwarfs! So instead of emphasizing Unity, they put the emphasis on differences and turn it into a competition to see who can become another protected groups to be used as a tool. Divide and Destroy.

    The only thing that should be celebrated is that we are Americans.
    We already have a day for that. It’s called July Fourth.

  3. @Harry

    If Trump had not won the election the DoD would hire people with no legs, one arm, two heads, one eye, etc. etc. These are all people with disabilities who would form movements to further their identies. Like the Optical-Challenged (one-eye) Lives Matter.

    I’m exaggerating to make a point. But the nonsense would all continue if Trump had not won.

    Drill Instructor to legless recruit: Private, what are you waiting for…take your rifle and run over to that foxhole like the rest of your platoon.

    Recruit: But Sir, I can’t run bacause I have no legs.

    DI: Oh hell…I thought you were just short little shrimp. Well, you can roll over there. Now get rollin’ maggot.


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